Page:With the Russians in Mongolia.djvu/14

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The Mongolian characters on the cover of this book denote the title of the New Mirror, the Mongol monthly newspaper published at Urga, under Russian auspices, in March 1913.

The map has been compiled by Mr. H. F. Milne, draughtsman at the Royal Geographical Society, from Russian maps lent by H.E. Monsieur Korostovetz, and from a route traverse carried out by Captain Otter-Barry.

The terms Inner and Outer Mongolia, that frequently recur throughout the book, define the southern and northern[1] portions of Mongolia respectively.

The words van, gol, and nor are the Mongol equivalents for prince, river, and lake.

It has been found necessary, since this book went to the press, in order to bring the political situation up to date, to write an "Afterword," which will be found at the end of the book after the Appendices.


  1. Corrected in corrigendum of the work