Church; and particularly as regards your predominant passion, your promises, and resolutions.
In the event that you have sinned grievously, resolve to go to confession at the first opportunity. Meditate for a few moments on eternity, death, judgment, heaven, and hell, mindful of the admonition of the Holy Spirit: "In all thy works, O man, remember thy last end and thou wilt never sin." Make an act of contrition.
O MY God, I am truly sorry for having sinned, because Thou art infinitely good and sin displeases Thee. I am firmly resolved, with the help of Thy grace, never more to offend Thee, and I will carefully avoid the occasions of sin.
I LOVE Thee, my Lord and my God, with my whole heart and above all things, and for the love of Thee I love my neighbor as myself. Grant that I may love Thee more and more and give me the grace of perseverance, that I may live a holy life, die a happy death, and glorify Thee eternally in heaven.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Apostle's Creed, Glory.
O sweetest Heart of Jesus! I implore
That I may ever love Thee more and more.
Indulgence of 300 days, each time.—Pius IX, Nov. 26, 1876.