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Ordinary of the Mass 185

this Thy family from all adversity; and as we prostrate ourselves before Thee with humble and contrite hearts, do Thou gra- ciously protect us against all the snares of our enemies. Through Our Lord Jesus Christ, etc.

Which being finished, he says in an audible voice:

this Thy family from all adversity; and as we prostrate ourselves before Thee with humble and contrite hearts, do Thou graciously protect us against all the snares of our enemies. Through Our Lord Jesus Christ, etc.

Which being finished, he says in an audible voice:

WORLD without end.

R. Amen. R. Amen.

V. Dominus vobiscum. V. The Lord be with you.

R. Et cum spiritu tuo. R. And with thy spirit.

Here he uplifts his hands:

V. Sursum corda. V. Lift up your hearts.

R. Habemus ad Dominum. R. We have them lifted up unto the Lord.

He joins his hands before his breast and bows his head while he says:

V. Gratias agamus Domino Deo nostro. V. Let us give thanks unto the Lord our God.

R. Dignum et justum est. R. It is meet and just.

He then disjoins his hands, and keeps them in this posture until the end of the Preface, after which he again joins them, and bowing, says, Sanctus, etc.[1]

  1. At High Mass the choir sings the Sanctus (while the priest is proceeding with the Canon) as far as the first Hosanna in Excelsis before the Elevation; and after the Elevation, Benedictus qui venit, etc.