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ence of Thy divine Majesty, that as many of us as shall, by partaking at this altar, receive the most sacred Body ✠ and Blood ✠ of Thy Son may be filled with all heavenly blessing and grace. Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.

Commemoration of the Dead

REMEMBER, O Lord, Thy servants and handmaids, N. and N., who have gone before us with the sign of faith, and sleep the sleep of peace.

Here the priest, with hands joined, prays for such of the dead as he wishes to pray for in particular. Then, extending his hands, he continues:

To THESE, O Lord, and to all who rest in Christ, grant, we pray Thee, a place of refreshment, of light, and of peace. Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.

Here, striking his breast and slightly raising his voice, he says: