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covered with wounds? O Jesus! receive me into Thy wounded Heart: I belong entirely to Thee; for Thee alone do I desire to live and to die.

Our Father, etc.; Hail Mary, etc.

V. Lord Jesus, crucified:

R. Have mercy on us!

Thirteenth Station

Jesus is Taken Down from the Cross

V. We adore Thee, O Christ, and praise Thee:

R. Because by Thy holy cross Thou hast redeemed the world!


Jesus did not descend from the cross, but remained on it until He died. And when taken down from it. He, in death as in life, rested on the bosom of His blessed Mother. Persevere in your resolutions of reform and do not part from the cross; he who persevereth to the end shall be saved. Consider, moreover, how pure the heart should be that receives the body and blood of Christ in the adorable Sacrament of the Altar.


O LORD Jesus! Thy lifeless body, bruised and lacerated, found a worthy resting place on the bosom of Thy virgin Mother. Have I not often compelled Thee to dwell in my heart, despite its unworthiness to receive Thee? Create in me a new heart, that I may worthily receive Thy most sacred