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Let us pray

(Indulgenced Prayer)

O GOD, Who to redeem the world didst vouchsafe to be born amongst men, to be circumcised, rejected by the Jews, betrayed by the traitor Judas with a kiss, to be bound with cords, and as an innocent lamb to be led to the slaughter; Who didst suffer Thyself to be shamelessly exposed to the gaze of Annas, Caiphas, Pilate, and Herod; to be accused by false witnesses, tormented by scourges and insults, crowned with thorns, smitten with blows, defiled with spittings, to have Thy divine countenance covered, to be struck with a reed, to be stripped of Thy clothes, nailed to and raised high upon a Cross between two thieves, to be given gall and vinegar to drink, and then pierced with a lance; do Thou, O Lord, by these most sacred sufferings, which I, unworthy as I am, yet dare to contemplate, by Thy holy cross and by Thy bitter death free me from the pains of hell, and vouchsafe to bring me to Paradise, whither Thou didst lead the thief who was crucified with Thee, my Jesus, who with the Father and the Holy Ghost livest and reignest God forever and ever. Amen. Pater, Ave, and Gloria five times.

Indulgence of 300 days, once a day.—Pius VII, Aug. 25, 1820.

Prayer for the Faithful in their Agony

O MOST merciful Jesus, Lover of souls! I pray Thee, by the agony of Thy most sacred Heart, and by the sorrows of Thy immaculate Mother, cleanse in Thine own blood the sinners of the whole world who are now in their agony and about to die this day. Amen.

Heart of Jesus, once in agony, pity the dying.