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Ord. No. 67 of 2000

except where it is necessary to do so for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of such programme.

(2) If it is essential to the determination of legal proceedings under or in relation to a law of Hong Kong that the judge or magistrate presiding over the proceedings be advised of a participant’s location and circumstances, a person referred to in subsection (1) shall disclose the relevant information to the judge or magistrate in chambers, but the person shall not disclose the information unless he and the judge or magistrate are the only persons present.

(3) The judge or magistrate shall not disclose any information disclosed to him under subsection (2) otherwise than in accordance with this Ordinance.

19. Protection of witness giving evidence in court

(1) Where a participant is to give evidence for the HKSAR in legal proceedings, the judge or magistrate in charge of such proceedings may, upon an ex parte application by the prosecution, authorize a police officer or an officer of the Independent Commission Against Corruption to require all members of the public wishing to enter the courtroom to—

(a) identify themselves to the satisfaction of the officer; and
(b) undergo such search as the officer may require to ensure that they are not carrying into the courtroom anything which the officer considers would pose a threat to the security or well-being of the participant.

(2) An application under subsection (1) shall be heard in chambers.

(3) Where a person refuses to comply with subsection (1) or the officer is not satisfied that he is not carrying anything referred to in subsection (1)(b), the officer may, subject to any direction of the judge or magistrate, prevent him from entering the courtroom.

20. Regulations

The Chief Executive in Council may make regulations for the better implementation of the provisions of this Ordinance.