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Page:Wittgenstein - Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, 1922.djvu/119

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The probability proposition is, as it were, an extract from other propositions.

5.2 The structures of propositions stand to one another in internal relations.

5.21 We can bring out these internal relations in our manner of expression, by presenting a proposition as the result of an operation which produces it from other propositions (the bases of the operation).

5.22 The operation is the expression of a relation between the structures of its result and its bases.

5.23 The operation is that which must happen to a proposition in order to make another out of it.

5.231 And that will naturally depend on their formal properties, on the internal similarity of their forms.

5.232 The internal relation which orders a series is equivalent to the operation by which one term arises from another.

5.233 The first place in which an operation can occur is where a proposition arises from another in a logically significant way; i.e. where the logical construction of the proposition begins.

5.234 The truth-functions of elementary proposition, are results of operations which have the elementary propositions as bases. (I call these operations, truth-operations.)

5.2341 The sense of a truth-function of p is a function of the sense of p.

Denial, logical addition, logical multiplication, etc. etc., are operations.

(Denial reverses the sense of a proposition.)

5.24 An operation shows itself in a variable; it shows how we can proceed from one form of proposition to another.

It gives expression to the difference between the forms.