Philosophy — continued
- right method of, 6.53
- value of questions about purpose of symbolism in, 6.211 (1)
Physical laws, refer to obejcts of the world, 6.3431
- and logical space, 2.1 1
- are compared with reality, 2.223
- are facts, 2.14, 2.141
- are models of reality, 2.12, 4.01
- form of representation of, 2.15
- have form of representation in common with reality, 2.16, 2.171
- how linked with reality, 2.151, 2.1511, 2.201, 2.21
- include representing relation, 2.1513
- logical
- are thoughts, 3.
- propositions as, 4.03 (3)
- the term defined, 2. 181
- made by us, 2.1
- none a priori true, 2.224, 2.225
- possibility of, requires substance, 2.0212
- propositions are, 4.012
- propositions as, of reality, 4.021
- represent their sense, 2.221
Possibility, 2.0122-3
- and conceivability, 3.02
- and form of representation, 2.151
- and logic, 2.0121 (3), 5.473 (2)
- and logical place, 3.411
- and nature of the world, 3.3421
- of atomic facts, 2.012, 2.0124
- of connexion of things, 2.0121 (4)
- of method of symbolizing, 2.3421
- of projection, 3.13 (2)
- of propositions, 4.0312 (1)
- of states of affairs, 2.014, 2.202, 2.203
- how shown, 5.525 (2)
- of structure is form, 2.033
"Postulation" of "logical truths", 6.1223
Primitive ideas, formal concepts as, 4.12721
Primitive signs
- how their meanings are elucidated, 3.263
- names are, 3.26
- of logic
- as forms of combination, 5.46
- need to be justified, 5.45
- rules of definition apply to, 5.451 (2)
- signify differently from non-primitive signs, 3.261 (2)
Principles, scientific, as a priori intuitions, 6.34
- based on series of truth-functions, 5.1
- does not apply to isolated propositions, 5.153
- has certainty as a limiting case of, 5.152 (3)
- involves general description of propositional form, 5.156 (2)
- is a generalization, 5.156 (1)
- measure of, defined, 5.15, 5151
- needed in default of certainty, 5.156 (2)
- of elementary propositions, 5.152 (2)
- proposition
- an extract from other proposition,s 5.156 (5)
- has no special object, 5.1511
- relation of experience to, 5.154(4)
- relation to certainty, possibility, impossibility, 4.464 (2)
- unit of, 5.155