Page:Wittgenstein - Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, 1922.djvu/6

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International Library of Psychology
Philosophy and Scientific Method

GENERAL EDITOR. C. K. OGDEN, M.A. (Magdalene College, Cambridge)

  1. Philosophical Studies
    by G. E. Moore
  2. Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus
    by L. Wittgenstein
  3. Psychological Types*
    by C. G. Jung
  4. Scientific Thought*
    by C. D. Broad
  5. The Meaning of Meaning
    by C. K. Ogden and I. A. Richards
  6. The Practice and Theory of Individual Psychology
    by Alfred Adler
  7. Speculations (Preface by Jacob Epstein)
    by T. E. Hulme
  8. The Philosophy of 'As If'
    by H. Vaihinger
  9. Psyche
    by E. Rohde
  10. The Growth of the Mind*
    by K. Kofpka
  11. The Mentality of Apes
    by W. Köhler
  12. The Psychology of a Musical Prodigy
    by G. Revesz
  13. Principles of Literary Criticism*
    by I. A. Richards
  14. The Metaphysical Foundations of Modern Science
    by E. A. Burtt
  15. Thought and the Brain*
    by H. Piéron
  16. Problems of Personality
    in honour of Morton Prince
  17. Colour Blindness .
    by M. Collins
  18. The History of Materialism
    by F. A. Lange
  19. Personality*
    by K. G. Gordon
  20. Educational Psychology*
    by Charles Fox
  21. The Language and Thought of the Child*
    by J. Plaget
  22. Sex and Repression in Savage Society*
    by B. Malinowski
  23. Religious Conversion
    by S. de Sanctis
  24. The Social Insects
    by W. Morton Wheeler
  25. Theoretical Biology
    by J. VON Uexkull
  26. Possibility*
    by Scott Buchanan
  27. The Symbolic Process
    by J. F. Markey
  28. Political Pluralism
    by Kung-Chuan Hsiao
  29. Integrative Psychology*
    by W. M. Marston
  30. Plato's Theory of Ethics*
    by R. C. Lodge
  31. Historical Introduction to Modern Psychology
    by G. Murphy
  32. Biological Principles
    by J. H. Woodoer
  33. The Trauma of Birth
    by Otto Rank
  34. Foundations of Geometry and Induction
    by Jean Nicod
  35. The Laws of Feeling
    by F. Paulhan
  36. The Mental Development of the Child
    by K. Bühler
  37. Eidetic Imagery
    by E. R. Jaensch
  38. The Foundations of Mathematics
    by F. P. Ramsey
  39. The Philosophy of the Unconscious
    by E. von Hartmann
  40. Outlines of the History of Greek Philosophy
    by E. Zeller
  41. The Psychology of Children's Drawings
    by Helga Eng
  42. Invention and the Unconscious
    by J. M. Montmasson
  43. The Theory of Legislation
    by Jeremy Bentham
  44. The Social Life of Monkeys
    by S. Zuckerman
  45. The Development of the Sexual Impulses
    by R. E. Money Kyrle
  46. Constitution Types in Delinquency
    by W. A. Willemse
  47. The Psychology of Animals
    by F. Alverdes
  48. Bentham's Theory of Fictions*
    by C. K. Ogden
  49. The Nature of Learning
    by G. Humphrey
  50. The Individual and the Community
    by Wen Kwei Liao
  51. The Nature of Mathematics
    by Max Black
  52. Infant Speech
    by M. M. Lewis
  53. Ideology and Utopia
    by K. Mannheim
  54. An Examination of Logical Positivism
    by J. Weinberg
  55. The Logical Syntax of Language
    by R. Carnap
  56. Plato's Cosmology*
    by F. M. Cornford
  57. Charles Peirce's Empiricism*
    by J. Büchler
  58. The Limits of Science
    by L. Chwistek
  59. The Conditions of Knowing
    by A. Sinclair
  60. Bertrand Russell's Construction of the External World
    by C. A. Fritz
  61. Treatise on Induction and Probability
    by G. H. von Wright
  62. What is Value
    by E. W. Hall
  63. Plato's Phaedo
    by R. S. Bluck

  • Asterisks denote that other books by the same author are included in this series.

A complete list will be found at the end of the volume.