Page:Wives of the prime ministers, 1844-1906.djvu/180

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Numbers of people, but poor Lady Holland appeared very unwell. I cannot think how she can bear so much company."

"Grosvenor Gate,
15th January 1847.

"On our return to Town last week our first visit was to you, and we were sadly disappointed to find you were not expected for some time. I hope it is pleasure that detains you, and that you are quite recovered from your late severe attack.

"Sir Anthony[1] took us all by surprise; no one ever expected to have seen his name in the Gazette. We drank your healths with the most affectionate pleasure, wishing every happiness to thee and thine, My Lady dear.

"We remained four months at Bradenham enjoying the most perfect seclusion and our usual long walks with four or five beautiful dogs.

"The first proofs of Tancred are now on the table. How much I wish you may be here when he is presented to the public, for I am sure you will sympathise with me on my child's fate. What an anxious, happy time for poor me the next six months' situation, and politics always for and against.

  1. Anthony de Rothschild had been created a Baronet at the New Year.