Page:Wives of the prime ministers, 1844-1906.djvu/80

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1814. His elder daughter Miranda married, 18th November 1815, General Sir Joseph Fuller.[1] In 1816 Floyd was created a baronet for his services in India seventeen years before. He died at his house in London, 10 Mansfield Street, 10th January 1818, aged seventy, and was buried in St. James's Church, Hampstead Road, London. His wife survived him until 4th December 1844.

Two years after her father's death, on 8th June 1820, Julia Floyd, who had developed into a very beautiful girl, was married to Robert Peel,[2] now a rising statesman. He had already held office, having been Chief Secretary for Ireland in Lord Liverpool's Government from 1812 to 1818. He was thus glad of a period of comparative repose, and for a while he and his bride led a retired life, spending a good deal of their time in the country, at Lulworth Castle, whence in November 1821 he "writes to Lord Liverpool of the happiness of his domestic life and of his enjoyment of living as a private individual. They entertained their friends at Lulworth, and among their early visitors was Sir Humphry Davy. In 1822, the year in which Peel had accepted the office of Home Secretary

  1. Fuller died in 1841. His wife survived him until 23rd September 1869.
  2. He did not succeed to the Baronetcy until 1830.