Page:Wives of the prime ministers, 1844-1906.djvu/93

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"A wife with all those qualities, virtues, and graces which not only adorn life, but make life worth living."

FRANCES ANNA MARIA ELLIOT, the second daughter of the second Earl of Minto, was born at Minto House, Roxburghshire, on 15th November 1815. Her mother was Mary, eldest daughter of Patrick Brydone. Lady Fanny, as she was generally known before her marriage, was one of a family of ten, five boys and five girls. She had the education usual at the time for English girls in her position. She had the run of the standard books in her father's library, so that good literature was available for her at will. Reading aloud in the evening was a family custom, and sometimes a new book from London would be enjoyed in that way. But the most important part of the girl's education was not derived from books. Her training was the wholesome discipline of a large family of brothers and sisters,