State historian Daughters of Confederacy of Texas, two years; past pres. Mutual Improvement Club; Vice-pres. Fourth Dist. Texas Fed. Women's Clubs; delegate at large for Texas Fed. of Women's Clubs; twice officially identified with local chapter; has frequently served on programs at State conventions for Fed. Clubs.
CLINTON, Jane Heard (Mrs. Fred. S. Clinton). Tulsa, Okla.
Born Elberton, Ga., April 16, 1875; dau. James Lawrence and Mary Melissa (Harper) Heard; ed. Elberton Female Coll., A.B., first honor, '93; m. Elberton, April 15, 1897, Dr. Fred. S. Clinton. Pres. Foreign Mission Soc; pres. Hyeshka (Creek Indian for music) Club, eight years; mem. Ruskin Art Club, Tuesday Book Club, Council of Women. Interested in playgrounds, civic improvement. Against woman suffrage. Mem. Methodist Episcopal Church, South. Mem. P.E.O.
CLINTON, Susan Merrill (Mrs. Lee Clinton), 422 Houston Av., Tulsa, Okla,
Born Ottumwa, Ia., 1877; dau. Sherman Morton and Susan B. (Walton) Merrill; ed. private schools; Young L. G. Harris Coll., Young Harris, Ga., A.B. '97; m. Jasper, Ga., Dec. 30, 1896, Lee Clinton; children: Walton S., b. 1897; Celia Louise, b. 1899 (died 1904); Ruth Lyon, b. 1907. Interested in various religious, social, artistic and philanthropic work. Mem. D.A.R. Clubs: Art and Music, Council of Women. Mem. Methodist Church, South.
CLOPTON, Virginia Carolina Clay, "Wildwood." Gurley, Madison Co., Ala.
Planter; b. Washington Co., N.C., Jan., 1825; dau. Peyton Randolph Tunstell, M.D., and Anne (Arrington) Tunstell; ed. Tuskaloosa (Ala.) Female Institution, and grad. at Old Academy, Nashville, Tenn., under dual presidency of Lapsley and Elliot; m. Tuskaloosa, Feb. 1, 1843, Clement Claiburn Clay, son of Gov. C. C. Clay; widowed in 1882; m. Nov., 1887, David Clopton; one child, dau., born of first marriage, died at birth. Author: Memoirs of Mrs. Clay, of Alabama, (more widely known as a Belle of the Fifties), a vindication of Mr. Clay, her husband, from the unjust accusations of U. S. Government in connection with the death of President Lincoln. Episcopalian; Jefferson Democrat from her youth. Favors woman suffrage. Organizer of a club in Huntsville, and made the welcoming address to Miss Anthony and Mrs. Catt on their visit to her town. Writes for amusement.
CLOTHIER, Mary Clapp Jackson (Mrs. Isaac Hallowell Clothier), "Ballytore," Wynnewood, Pa.
Born Philadelphia, Pa.; dau. William and Elizabeth Howe (Clapp) Jackson; ed. in Friends' School in Philadelphia; m. Sharon Hill, Pa,, September 1, 1864, Isaac Hallowell Clothier; children: Mary Jackson, Elizabeth Jackson, Morris Lewis, Hannah Hallowell, Walter, Isaac Hallowell, Lydia Biddle, Caroline, William Jackson. Mem. of B'd of Managers, Swarthmore Coll., Pa. Mem. Soc. of Friends. Mem. the New Century Club (Philadelphia), Acorn Club, Soc. of Colonial Dames, D.A.R., La Moviganta Klubo, Merion Cricket Club. Favors woman suffrage.
CLOUD, Ada A. (Mrs. J. A. Cloud), care Garfield Safe Deposit Co., 7 W. Twenty-third St., N.Y. City.
Artist; b. West Chester, Pa., Aug. 26, 1852; dau. Hon. John Hickman (who served several terms in Congress from Pa. and helped form the Republican Party) and Eunice (Phelps) Hickman; ed. Troy Female Sem., with Mrs. Emma Willard principal (who was her great aunt); m. Dr. J. A. Cloud. Studied art in Boston and New York, also at Colorossi Art School in Paris, France, as well as with several French artists in their studios, among them Louis Desar and Vanderneyden. Painter of landscapes, game and roses in oils and water colors. Has studied the greatest pictures in the world and their artists, and has given lectures on them. High Episcopalian. Republican. Recreation: Traveling (in this country and abroad). Mem. Emma Willard Ass'n, West End Woman's Republican Club, City Fed. of Women's Clubs, N.Y. Theatre Club. Fed. of Theatre Clubs, Knickerbocker, Story-Tellers' League, Housewives' League, Gotham Club.
CLOUD, Virginia Woodward, 520 Park Av., Baltimore, Md.
Author, journalist; b. Baltimore, Md.; dau. Daniel and Martha Louise (Woodward) Cloud; ed. private schools. Journalist, literary critic and poet; literary editor of Baltimore News; also contributor to current magazines. Author: Down Durley Dane; A Reed by a River; A Woman, a Spaniel and a Walnut Tree; The Other Thing; Birthright; Concerning Mr. Dick Daggart; also numerous short sketches and stories in leading magazines. Mem. Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore.
CLOUGH, Edna Coulter (Mrs. Karl Benton Clough), Franklin Hotel, Woodlawn, Pa.
Born Danville, Boyle County, Ky., Nov. 4, 1878; dau. Judge George William and Sarah Ann (Harbison) Coulter; ed. Caldwell primary dep't, Caldwell Coll., Danville, Ky., 1893-97, A.B.; special course Potter Coll., Bowling Green, Ky., 1898- 99; mem. class of 1906, Columbia Univ., N.Y. City, for special diploma; m. Beaver Falls, Pa., April 3, 1912, Karl Benton Clough (champion live stock man and steel man). Owner and breeder of fancy saddle horses; grower of wonderful plants, especially ferns. Sunday-school teacher; sup't of Sunday-school. Settlement worker. Favors woman suffrage. Author of articles for garden or country life magazines, also some educational articles. Presbyterian. Democrat. Mem. Women's Home and Foreign Missionary Societies, D.A.R., active mem. State of Ky.; representative at conferences several times of D.A.R. Recreation: Horseback riding. Charter mem. Woman's Nat. Democratic League; vice-pres. Civic League for City of Danville, Ky.
CLOUGH, Mary Shepard (Mrs. Clarence E. Clough), 19 Shaw St., Lebanon, N.H.
Born Sutton, N.H., Jan. 28, 1872; dau. James E. and Lucia (Nelson) Shepard; ed. Colby Acad., Smith Coll., L.B.; m. New London, N.H., Sept. 21, 1897, Clarence Edward Clough; children: Dorothy, b. Sept. 2, 1898; Shepard, b. Dec. 6, 1901; Nathaniel, b. Sept. 30, 1906; Barbara, b. May 11, 1910. Pres. Baptist Missionary Soc. Baptist. Progressive in politics. Mem. Monday Club of Lebanon.
CLOUSE, Alice Atkinson (Mrs. G. M. Clouse), 948 Mt. Vernon Av., Columbus, O.
Born Porter, O., Dec. 16, 1864; dau. William Richard and Nannie (Gooch) Atkinson; ed. in Porter public school and by tutors; m. Porter, O., Nov. 15, 1883, Dr. George M. Clouse; children: Dr. Kenneth Atkinson Clouse, Mrs. Georgia Clouse Seiller. Interested in child welfare, vocational schools, juvenile reformatories and loan scholarships for young ladies. Mem. Woman's Foreign and Home Missionary Societies. Associate mem. of Women's Musical Club; mem. Altrurian Club, Ciionian Club (has been pres. of both). Recreations: Fishing, camping, walking, literature, opera. Methodist.
CLOYD, Genevieve, Normal College, Sixty-eighth St. and Park Av., N.Y. City.
Normal teacher; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '97; M.A. Columbia University, 1912. Teacher of English, Boonton (N.J.) public school, 1897-99; Latin and Greek, Blair Acad., Blairstown, N.J., 1899-1907; Latin in N.Y. Normal Coll. (high school dep't) since 1907.
CLOYES, Grace Gruber (Mrs. William E. Cloyes), 1316 Norwood St., Chicago, Ill.
Born Boston, June 18, 1870; dau. William M. and Sarah H. (Field) Gruber; ed. grammar and high schools, Everett, Mass.; Wellesley Coll., B.A. '92; m. Maiden, Mass., June 27, 1895, William E. Cloyes of Chicago; children: Leone, Edith Field, Margaret. Interested in church and club work. Presbyterian. Mem. North End Woman's Club, Research Club.
CLUM, Blanche Stover (Mrs. Frank H. Clum), Valley Falls, N.Y.
Born Valley Falls, N.Y., June 13, 1867; dau. Daniel M. and Anna J. (Bryan) Stover; ed. Albany High School; m. Valley Falls, N.Y.,