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School, Bryn Mawr, Pa., and Bryn Mawr Coll., A..B. '04; graduate student, 1904-05. Mem. Exec. Com. of Philadelphia College Settlement; director Philadelphia Branch Consumers' League of Pennsylvania, 1905-07; chairman of Industrial Betterment Bureau of the Consumers' League since 1910. Favors woman suffrage.

COCHRAN, Katharine More, 157 Oxford St., Hartford, Conn.

Teacher; b. Durhamville, N.Y., 1869; dau. Andrew and Catherine (More) Cochran; ed. Vassar Coll., A.B. '90; graduate student Cornell Univ., A.M. 1912; student at Am. School of Classical Studies, Athens, 1902-03. Teacher in secondary school, 1890-94; teacher Greek and Latin, Horace Mann School, N.Y. City, 1894-1907; teacher of Greek, Western Coll. for Women, Oxford, Ohio, 1907-10. Mem. Am. Inst, of Technology (Oxford, Ohio, Branch), Woman's University Club, N.Y. City.

COCHRAN, Sarah Marshall (Mrs. Carlos Bingham Cochran), 514 S. High St., West Chester, Pa.

Born Northbrook, Chester County, Pa.; dau. Abraham and Phebe Jane (Baldwin) Marshall; ed. West Chester State Normal School; m. Northbrook, Pa., July 16, 1885, Dr. Carlos Bingham Cochran (science dep't West Chester State Normal School); children: Grace, Carlos Marshall. Mem. Instruction Com. of George School, Bucks County, Pa.; pres. of Home and School League of West Chester; sole director of Needlework Guild of America. Quaker. Mem. New Century Club of West Chester; chairman of Civics Club.

COCHRAN, Sophia Lee, Newton, Kan.

Physician; b. Lancaster, Garrard County, Ky., Feb. 15, 1868; dau. Richard Lewis and Mary Jane (Huffman) Cochran; ed. High School, Peabody, Marion County, Kan.; Hahnemann Med. College of Kansas City (Mo.) Univ., graduated with class honors (valedictorian), 1912; mem. Dunham Soc. Elected to chair of embryology in Hahnemann Med. Coll., Kansas City, Mo. Mem. Board of Physical Examiners, Y.W.C.A., Kansas City. Presbyterian. Mem. Order of the Eastern Star. Favors woman suffrage. Resigned from Hahnemann Med. Coll. on account of mother's health; now practising in Newton, Kansas; practice limited to women and children.

COCKE, Sarah Cobb Johnson (Mrs. Lucian H. Cocke), 818 Nelson St., Roanoke, Va.

Born Selma, Ala.; dau. Dr. John M. Johnson, of Kentucky, and Mary Willis (Cobb) Johnson; grad. at Lucy Cobb Inst.; mem. Iridian; m. (1st) Oct. 26, 1887, Dr. Hugh Hagan (died 1898); (2d) Oct. 28, 1903, Lucian H. Cocke; children: Hugh Johnson Hagan, b. Dec. 11, 1888; Willis Cobb Hagan, b. Dec. 3, 1894. Interested in all philanthropic and public spirited enterprises. Favors woman suffrage (with educational and property qualification). Author: Bypaths in Dixie; contributed to magazines, newspapers, etc., mostly under name of Mammy Phyllis' Sketches. Episcopalian. Name on original charter of D.A.R.; mem. Colonial Dames, Daughters of Confederacy, Order of the Crown, Soc. of Southern Writers. Recreations: Writing, gardening, traveling.

COCKE, Zitella, 100 Charles St., Boston, Mass.

Author; b. in Perry Co., Ala.; dau. Woodson St. George and Mary Elizabeth (Binyon) Cocke: the Cocke family was represented in army and navy for centuries in England and Virginia; first American ancestor being Sir Richard Cocke, who settled in Virginia in the seventeenth century; mother of Huguenot descent; privately educated at home. Musician, vocal and piano; has had charge of music departments in colleges for women. Author of books of poems: A Doric Reed; Cherokee Roses and Other Poems; also of juvenile verses: Grasshopper Hop and Other Verses. Episcopalian.

COCKRAN, Anne Ide (Mrs. William Bourke Cockran), The Cedars, Port Washington, L.I., N.Y.

Born St. Johnsbury, Vt., Dec. 26, 1878; dau. Henry Clay and Mary M. (Melcher) Ide; ed. privately in Samoan Islands and Philippines, when was official; m. N.Y., Nov. 15, 1906, Hon. W. Bourke Cockran. Founded and pres. of Soc. for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in the Philippines. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Board of Directors of N.Y. Equal Franchise Soc. since foundation. Congregationalist. Mem. Colony Club (N.Y. City).

COCROFT, Susanna, 624 Michigan Av., Chicago, Ill.

Physical culturist; b. Burlington, Wis.; dau. J. E. and Ann (Woodhead) Cocroft; ed. Rochester Sem., Rochester, Wis.; Univ. of Wis., Madison, Wis.; m. July 26, 1907. Taught in Rochester Sem.; lectured on history of civilization; lectured on physical development; originated the Physical Culture Extension Society, and taught women how to regain and retain health. Mem. of Philanthropic Boys' Shelter Club. Author: The Vital Organs; The Nervous System; Self Sufficiency; Ideals and Privileges of Woman; Character as Expressed in the Body; The Circulatory System; The Body Mannikin; Growth in Silence; Motherhood; The Generative Organs; Beauty; Foods; Poise, Obesity and Leanness. Episcopalian. Favors woman suffrage. Recreation. Automobiling.

CODY, Grace Ethelwyn, 1554 E. Sixty-first St., Chicago, Ill.

Writer; b. Naperville, Ill., Dec. 4, 1867; dau. Judge Hiram H. and Philomela E. (Sedgwick) Cody; ed. Northwestern Coll. and Univ. of Chicago. Author of books for girls: Jacquette, A Sorority Girl; Elinor's Junior Hop; writer of short fiction and articles. Regular contributor (in dep'ts "Just About Girls," and "Stories of the Streets and Town"), to former Chicago Record, now consolidated with Times-Herald under name of Record-Herald. Frequent contributor, during past ten years, to editorial page of Chicago Daily News. Staff contributor to Youth's Companion for same period; formerly for three years associate editor of The Little Chronicle, a text book of current events for school use. Congregationalist. Mem. Chicago Woman's Club and Monday Afternoon Club of Pasadena, Cal. Favors woman suffrage.

COE, Ethel Louise, Fortuny 5, Madrid, Spain.

Painter; b. Chicago, Ill., Nov. 11, 1878; dau. Wilbur Ellwood and Martha (Janes) Coe; ed. Chicago Art Inst., with Mr. Charles Hawthorne (grad. with honors and scholarship), and in Madrid, Spain, with Senor Don Joaquin Sorolla y Bastida. Has exhibited many times in Chicago Artists' Soc. exhibitions and in Water Color Soc.

COES, Mary, 10 Garden St., Cambridge, Mass.

Dean of Radcliffe Coll.; b. Worcester, Mass., March 24, 1861; dau. A. Gates and Lucy Gibson (Wyman) Coes; grad. Radcliffe Coll., A.B. '87, A.M. '97. Sec. of Radcliffe Coll. 1894-1910, dean Radcliffe Coll. since 1910. By virtue of office as dean, is a mem. of the Council and Board of Ass'n of Radcliffe Coll. Mem. Ass'n of Coll. Alumnae, Woman's Education Ass'n, Harvard Teachers Ass'n, Am. Historical Ass'n, Board of Government, Women's Education and Industrial Union, Boston, Mass. Clubs: Coll. Club (Boston), Women's Univ. (N.Y. City). Congregationalist.

COFFIN, Charlotte Rebecca (Mrs. John P. Coffin), Johnstown, Fla.

Former music teacher; now vice-pres. Ideal America Corporation (real estate), and mem. and director of the World Welfare Union; b. Whitney's Point, N.Y., Aug. 16, 1855; dau. Rev. John Levis and Ruth Ann (Locke) Jones; ed. public schools of Mattoon, Ill.; Salina, Kan.; Acad. of Springfield, Vt.; m. Parsons, Kan., Dec. 31, 1877, John Pingry Coffin; children: Joseph, John Levis (died), Francis Pingry, David Painter, Richard (died), Donald Locke (died), Ruth, Mary (died), George Williams, Warren Clement. Has been associate editor of several papers, including the Florence (S.C.) Daily and Weekly Times, and the Southern Industrial Journal (published in Fla.); mem. of the Press Ass'n of S.C. and Fla., while in the newspaper work. Interested in church work, Sunday-school teacher and sup't home dep't work; has been for seven years State sup't of temperance Sunday-school work of the W.C.T.U. of Fla.; was vice-pres. of