Pa., 1896-1904; associate prof, of French, Wellesley Coll., 1904-06; professor-elect, 1906-07, and professor of French language and literature since 1907, and head of French dep't since 1905, Wellesley; prof. French language and literature, Univ. Extension Dep't of Harvard Univ., since 1910.
COLLIER, Hannah C. Shackleford (Mrs. Cowles M. Collier), Street Railway Advertising Co., Flatiron Bldg., N.Y. City.
Born Cave Spring, Floyd Co., Ga.; dau. James and Harriet (Cowdrey) Shackelford; ed. by governesses till 14th year, Wesleyan Female Coll., Macon, Ga., Miss Bates' Sem., Charleston, S.C. (Philomathean Soc); m. Early Co., Ga., C. Myles Collier; children: Georgia Shackelford, Charles Myles, Euphan Marshall, Barron Gift. Mem. Colonial Dames, D.A.R., United Daughters of Confederacy, Nat. Soc. Patriotic Women of America, The Governors, The Women's Auxiliary to the Am. Scenic and Historical Preservation Soc; also mem. Dixie Club (social club commemorating customs and traditions of the South). Episcopalian.
COLLIER, Laura Brownell (Mrs. John Austin Collier), 282 DeKalb Av., Brooklyn, N.Y.
Teacher; b. Williston, Vt, Jan. 27, 1851; dau. Chauncey Wells and Laura Chapin (Higbee) Brownell; ed. Mrs. Worcester's Boarding School, Burlington, Vt., Vassar Coll, A.B., '74 (commencement speaker, spade orator), Victoria Lyceum, Berlin, Germany, 1877-78; m. Williston, Vt., June 28, 1882, John Austin Collier; children; Elizabeth Brownell, Katherine Brownell. Teacher in Burlington High School, Vt., 1874-77, German and philosophy in Abbott Acad., Andover, Mass., 1879-82; Latin in Packer Coll. Inst., Brooklyn, 1893-1912. Mem. Y.W.C.A., Brooklyn Bureau of Charities, Vassar Students' Aid Ass'n, Ass'n of Coll. Alumnae. Writes magazine articles in Outlook, Atlantic Monthly, and educational periodicals. Clubs: Meridian, University. Congregationalist.
COLLIER, Mary Vail (Mrs. Allen Collier), 108 E. Auburn Av., Cincinnati, O.
Born Blairstown, N.J., 1879; dau. John Davis and Melissa (Gregory) Vail; ed. Blair Acad., 1897; Wellesley Coll., B.A. '02 (mem. Tau Zeta Epsilon); m. Blairstown, N.J., Jan. 12, 1910, Allen Collier; one daughter: Caroline How Collier. Presbyterian. Mem. Cincinnati Woman's Club, College Club of Cincinnati.
COLLIN, Grace Lathrop, 600 W. 113th St., N.Y. City.
Writer; b. Elmira, N.Y. , dau. Charles A. and Emily L. (Ripley) Collin; ed. Smith Coll., B.L. '96, Columbia Univ., M.A. '99. Mem. Phi Kappa Psi (Smith). Sec. Smith Club. N.Y. City, N.Y. Branch Ass'n Coll. Alumnae. Author: Putnam Place; also magazine and newspaper writer. Favors woman suffrage.
COLLINS, Alice Derfia Howes (Mrs. William French Collins), 89 Norwood Av., Upper Montclair, N.J.
Born Utica, N.Y., Oct. 21. 1872; dau. Alfred Pettis and Alice (Hollingworth) Howes; ed. Utica public schools; Smith Coll., A.B. '95; N.Y. State Normal Coll., Ph.B. '96; m. Utica, N.Y., May 22, 1900, William French Collins; one son: William Howes, b. 1908. Contributor to magazines and papers. Mem. Smith College Club of N.Y., the Woman's Club of Upper Montclair. Episcopalian.
COLLINS, Alice Roger (Mrs. Alexander J. H. Collins), Mount Forest, Ont., Can.
Pianist, piano teacher and composer; dau. Rev. W. M and Helen S. (Wallis) Roger; ed. Coll. Insts. of London, Ont., St. Catharines and Peterboro, Miss Veal's school and Havergal Coll., Toronto, Ont.; in music, Toronto Coll. and Conservatory of Music, and in Leipzig, Germany; m. 1906, Alexander James Hay Collins of Bank of Montreal; children: Helen, Walter, Robert Durham. Author of short poems published from time to time in Canadian papers. Composer of Indian Cradle Song; Du Bist Wie Eine Blume; Requital; You and I; Hepaticas; The Sandman; Good Shepherd; songs are published under the name of Alice H. Roger, poems under name of Alice Roger Collins. Presbyterian. Has traveled extensively; was for several years a teacher of piano and musical theory in Peterboro Conservatory of Music; also had a studio in Toronto. In Germany studied with Prof. Martin Krause and Mr. Harry Field.
COLLINS, Erailie Moulton (Mrs. Charles Noble Collins), Seneca, Nemaha Co., Kan.
Primary teacher; b. Rochester, Racine Co., Wis., Jan. 27, 1845; dau. Nathaniel and Emeline M. (Hoyt) Moulton; ed. public school and seminary at Rochester; public school in Mazomanie, Dane Co., Wis., and a year in Chicago; most of the time in the City Normal; m. Cedar Falls, Ia., June 11, 1869, Charles Noble Collins; children: Ruth M. Collins and two deceased. Taught three terms in Dane Co., Wis., and for more than four years in Black Hawk Co., Ia. Removing to Seneca, Kan., resumed teaching in 1878, and has taught continuously (35 years) in the first primary of Seneca public school. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Suffrage Club. Universalist. Democrat (progressive). Mem. Knights and Ladies of Security since its establishment in Seneca (sec. 18 years). Mem. Good Templars in Wis., W.C.T.U., Life and Annuity Ass'n of Hiawatha, Kan. Recreations: Reading, lectures, concerts, drama.
COLLINS, Emma Gowdy (Mrs. William Leslie Collins), Frankfort, Ky.
Writer; b. Campbellsville, Taylor Co., Ky.; dau. Hon. Alfred Franklin and Sarah Lois (Hotchkiss) Gowdy; ed. Campbellsville schools; Nazareth Acad.; Lebanon Baptist Female Coll.; Eminence Coll., A.B. ; m. Campbellsville, Sept. 9, 1894, William Leslie Collins; children: Ethel Lynn, Cora Edmonson. Author: Sea Waifs and Other Poems; also short stories and sketches. Composer of music, principally songs, including: Eleven O'Clock Thoughts; A Waltz; The Song That She Sang. Mem. Christian Church. Mem. Order of the Eastern Star, D.A.R., King's Daughters.
COLLINS, Jennie Kendrick (Mrs. James E. Collins), Alamo Heights, San Antonio, Tex.
Poet, novelist, writer; b. on a Mississippi plantation; dau. John W. and Martha C. (Glenn) Kendrick; grad. Ripley Female Coll., Mississippi; m. on Mississippi plantation, Oakwood, Lucas Haines Byrn (died 1885); children: Harriet Russell, Lillian Kendrick, Clifford; m. (2d) 1887, James E. Collins. Promoter of education; was elected first vice-pres. of Southern Woman's Educational Ass'n for Betterment of Public Schools; appointed pres. for Texas of same. Mem. and historian of D.A.R. Episcopalian. Mem. Order of Eastern Star, Daughters of Confederacy, Soc. for Preservation of Va. Antiquities; mem. Equal Suffrage Soc. Was on staff of Taylor Trotwood Magazine (Nashville), three years. Author: The Isle of Storm; Christmas One Hundred Years Ago; Blue Bonnets (book of verse). Mem. San Antonio Woman's Club; pres. Pen woman's Club of San Antonio; ex-pres. Bohemian Scribblers; charter mem. Southern Woman Writers' League, organized April 14, 1912, at Nashville, Tenn. Descendant of Col. William Ball, great-grandfather of George Washington, and of Lord de la Warr (Thomas West).
COLLINS, Julia Cope (Mrs. William H. Collins), Haverford, Pa.
Missionary secretary; b. Philadelphia, Pa.; ed. Miss Burnham's School, Northampton, Mass.; Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '89; graduate student Bryn Mawr Coll., 1896-97, 1905-06; m. 1894, William H. Collins. Sec. of Bryn Mawr Coll., 1889-94, school director Haverford Township, Pa., 1899-1903; since 1905 general sec. of the Foreign Missionary Ass'n of Friends of Philadelphia. Mem. Society of Friends.
COLLINS, Mary Clementine, 612 N. 13th St., Keokuk, Ia.
Clergyman, missionary; b. Alton, 111., Apr. 18, 1846; dau. Ephriam and Margaret (Lewis) Collins; ed. Keokuk (Ia.) public and private schools, M.A. Ripon Coll., Ripon, Wis. An ordained minister, ordained at Keokuk, 1898; missionary to Sioux Indians since 1875. Has helped in all the reformations in the Government's