up a summer colony and operating a farm in Catskill Mountains. Leader in introducing in this country the active or "suffragette" propaganda for woman suffrage, 1908-09; mem. International Woman Suffrage Ass'n, Equality League; was pres. Nat. Progressive Suffrage Union, 1908-09; in 1909 lectured on Universal Peace and on woman suffrage through several States and at Univ. of Wis.
COMPTON, Irene Lathrop Smith (Mrs. Paul Compton), 5484 Kensington Av., St. Louis, Mo.
Born St. Louis, Mo.; grad. Smith Coll., B.L. '01; m. St. Louis, Jan. 4, 1906, Paul Compton; children: Pauline and Josephine Lathrop (twins), b. Dec. 13, 1905. Kindergartner in Normal course of St Louis public school, 1901-03. Was secretary and hostess of the Temple of Fraternity at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, 1903-04.
COMSTOCK, Ada Louise, Smith College, Northampton, Mass.
Teacher; b. Moorhead, Minn., Dec. 11, 1876; dau. S. G. and Sarah (Ball) Comstock; grad. High School and State Normal School, Moorhead, Minn.; Univ. at Minn., Smith Coll., Columbla Univ., B.L., Smith, '97, M.A., Columbia, '99 (Delta Gamma); honorary Litt.D., Mount Holyoke Coll., 1912. Appointed ass't in Dep't of Rhetoric at the Univ. of Minn., 1899, promoted to positions of instructor, ass't professor, professor, and made dean of women in 1907; made dean of Smith Coll., 1912. Mem. Alumnae Ass'n Smith Coll., Alumnae Ass'n Univ. of Minn., Ass'n of Coll. Alumnae. Mem. Women's Club of Minneapolis.
COMSTOCK, Anna Botsford (Mrs. John Henry Comstock), 43 East Av., Ithaca, N.Y.
Natural history artist, teacher; b. Otto, N.Y., Sept. 1, 1854; dau. Marvin S. and Phoebe (Irish) Botsford; prepared for college at Chamberlain Inst., Randolph, N.Y.; grad. Cornell, '85 (Sigma XI, Kappa Alpha Theta); m. Otto, N.Y., Oct, 7, 1878, John Henry Comstock. Wood-engraver; elected to membership of Soc. of American Wood-Engravers; received a medal at the Pan-American Exposition for engravings exhibited; for 15 years a teacher in Cornell Univ.; extension writer of Home-Nature Study pamphlets, published at Cornell, 1903-11; lecturer in Nature Study in Cornell Univ. since 1903; lecturer in Nature Study in Stanford Univ., and in summer school term of Cal. State Univ. Author: Ways of the Six-Footed; How to Keep Bees; Confessions to a Heathen Idol; Handbook of Nature Study; Illustrator and engraver of Manual for the Study of Insects and Insect Life. Mem. Audubon Soc., Soc. for Preservation of Wild Flowers, Soc. for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, Am. Breeders' Ass'n, A.A.A.S., Woman's Alliance (Unitarian). Recreation: Walking. Unitarian. Favors Intelligent woman suffrage; against unrestricted suffrage.
COMSTOCK, Clara Elizabeth, 550 Broad St., Providence, R.I.
Born Providence, R.I., Nov. 6, 1866; dau. Andrew and Juliette (Paine) Comstock; ed. Brown Univ., Ph.B., 1895, A.M., 1897. Liberal contributor to philanthropy and education: influential promoter of social welfare work and the higher education of women. Mem. R.I. Soc. for the Collegiate Education of Women, Ass'n of Coll. Alumnæ, Alumnæ Ass'n of Brown Univ. Mem. R.I. Women's Club. Recreations: Travel, reading and music.
COMSTOCK, Elizabeth, 507 Madison Av., N.Y. City.
Physician; b. Sept. 2, 1875; dau. Noah Durham and Ellen Comstock; ed. Univ. of Wis., B.S., '97, Women's Med. Coll. of Pa., M.D. Interne Maternity Hosp. of Women's Med. Coll. of Pa., 1901-02. Externe N.Y. Infirmary for Women and Children 1902-03. Unitarian. Favors woman suffrage.
COMSTOCK, Harriet Theresa (Mrs. Philip Comstock), 415 E. Eighteenth St., Flatbush, Brooklyn, N.Y.
Author; b. Nichols, N.Y.; dau. Samuel Alpheus and Jean (Downey) Smith; ed. Plalnfleld, N.J. ; m. Brooklyn, N.Y.. Philip Comstock; children: Philip Sidney, Albert. Author ot: Molly, the Drummer Boy; Cedric, the Saxon: A Boy of a Thousand Years Ago; A Little Dusky Hero; When the British Came; Then Marched the Brave, and other books for children; also novels: Janet of the Dunes; Joyce of the North Woods; The Queen's Hostage; Tower or Throne. Mem. Am. Unitarian Soc, N.Y. League of Unitarian Women, Pen and Brush Club. Recreation: Outdoor exercises. Unitarian. Favors woman suffrage; belongs to nearly all the suffrage associations; pres. of the first club of 18th Assembly Dist. of Brooklyn.
COMSTOCK, Sarah, 45 W. Eleventh St., N.Y. City.
Author; b. Athens, Pa.; dau. Walter and Louise (Saltmarsh) Comstock; ed. private school in Kansas City, Mo., and Leland Stanford Jr. Univ., A.B. Staff writer on San Francisco Call, 1899-1903; free lance magazine writer in N.Y. City since 1903. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Woman Suffrage Party; captain in 25th Assembly Dist. Author of many short stories and special articles in various magazines. Editor woman's news page in Collier's, 1909-11; sent by Collier's to the Rocky Mountain States to write two series of articles: The Mormon Woman, and The Woman Who Votes, 1908; articles on The Kansas Farmer's Wife, 1908; also The Soddy, a novel. New York, 1912. Recreations: Walking, photography, cooking. Mem. Pen and Brush Club, N.Y. City. Winner while at Stanford Univ. in short story contest, also while at college author of junior farce (chosen by competition).
CONABLE, Florence Easton (Mrs. Morris R. Conable), 415 N. Primrose Av., Monrovia, Cal.
Born Detroit, Mich., Oct 19, 1858; dau. Thomas Marshall and Elizabeth Coffin (Swain) Easton; ed. Coffin School, Nantucket, Mass.; Vassar Coll., B.A., Latin honors and salutatorian (mem. Phi Beta Kappa, Philalethea, Delta); m. Jan. 18, 1888, Morris Robinson Conable; one son: Morris Easton, b. 1889. Teacher, 1882-87. Active in church, treas. V.N.A. since its founding in 1908; prominent in all social affairs. Mem. D.A.R., Ass'n Collegiate Alumnæ, Maria Mitchell Memorial Ass'n, Woman's Club of Monrovia, University Club of Los Angeles, Friday Morning Club, Los Angeles. Episcopalian. Progressive in politics. Favors woman suffrage. First vice-pres. Woman's Progressive League of Monrovia, Cal., 1911-12.
CONANT, Charlotte Howard, Walnut Hill School. Natick, Mass.
Principal Walnut Hill School; b. Greenfield, Mass., 1862; dau. Chester C. and Sarah B. (Howard) Conant; grad. Wellesley Coll., A.B. '84. Mem. D.A.R., Boston College Club, Ass'n Collegiate Alumnæ, Boston Wellesley Club. Episcopalian.
CONANT, Edith M. (Mrs. Charles B. Conant), Wells, Minn.
Lawyer; b. Wayne, Me.; dau. Woodbury and Frances (Fuller) Stanchfield; ed. High School, Portland, Me., Normal School, Farmington, Me., State Univ. Law Dep't, Minn., LL.B.; m. Portland, Me., Aug. 28, 1880, Charles E. Conant. Admitted to bar in 1894; practiced in Minneapolis and in Wells, Minn. Interested in church and civic matters. Mem. Current Events Club and School and Mothers' Club of Wells; non-resident mem. Woman's Club of Minneapolis. Recreations: Painting, out of door sketching, reading, traveling. Episcopalian.
CONANT. Eleanore Glasgow (Mrs. George Kimball Conant), 412 North Union St, St Louis, Mo.
Born St. Louis, Aug., 1887; dau. William Carr and Fannie (Englesing) Glasgow; ed. Mary Inst, St. Louis, Mo.; Gilman School for Girls, Cambridge, Mass.; m. St Louis, April 18, 1911, George Kimball Conant; one daughter: Eleanore Glasgow. Episcopalian.
CONANT, Grace Patten, James Millikin University, Decatur, Ill.
Head department of English; b. Littleton, Mass., June 16. 1873; dau. Albert Francis and Sarah Jane (Patten) Conant; ed. Bates Coll., A. B. '93, and honors including the Warner