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tion a history of the Middle West during the American Revolution. Author: History of George Rogers Clark's Memoir; George Roger Clark's Campaigns of 1780; Virginia Currency in the Illinois Country. Mem. Christian (Disciples) Church. Mem. Am. Armorial Ass'n, Founder and governor-general of Order of F.F.V. (First Families of Va.); mem. Colonial Daughters of the Seventeenth Century Colonial Dames; treas. of Benjamin Tallmadge Chapter D.A.R.; registrar Nat. Soc. United States Daughters of 1812 of Wisconsin. Recreation: Travel. Vice-pres. Milwaukee Out-door Art and Improvement Ass'n; was delegate from the Milwaukee College Endowment Ass'n to the Gen. Fed. Women's Clubs, San Francisco, June, 1912. Order of the F.F.V. was founded to encourage research for data relating to Virginia during the time she was the only one of the original thirteen colonies (1607-1620, inclusive), and to keep a record of the descendants of those who were literally, as well as socially, the first families of Virginia.

COOKE, Abigail Whipple, 42 Benefit St.; studio, in the Fleur-de-Lys, Thomas St., Providence, R.I.

Artist, journalist; b. Smithfield, R.I.; dau. Edward and Mary (Kelly) Cooke; ed. Providence private schools (diplomas Miss Abbott's School and R.I. School of Design). Studied painting under Sydney Richmond Burleigh and George W. Whitaker. Mem. of Ladies' Advisory Board, Providence Art Club, 1894-97 and 1901-06, inclusive; sec. Providence Water Color Club, 1900-09; vice-pres. R.I. School of Design Alumni Ass'n, 1908-11. Society editor of Providence Journal (daily and Sunday) since 1906. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Providence Art Club, Providence Water Color Club, R.I. Short Story Club.

COOKE, Clara Dwight Sprague (Mrs. Harte Cooke), 10 Jefferson St., Auburn, N.Y.

Graduate Smith Coll., B.A. '01; Albany Normal Coll., Pr.B. '02; m. Sept. 12, 1907, Harte Cooke; children: Warren, b. May 31, 1908; Catherine, b. Nov. 17, 1909. Teacher in Auburn (N.Y.) Central Grammar School, 1902-04; teacher of English, Granger Place School, Canandaigua, N.Y., 1904-06; Roland Park School, Baltimore, 1906-07.

COOKE, Dorothy Soden (Mrs. A. Bennett Cooke), 1809 Broad St., Nashville, Tenn.

Federation president; b. Covington, Ky., Oct. 24, 1868; dau. Charles T. and Henrietta (McGraw) Soden; ed. Louisville Girls' High School and private teachers, also Louisville Normal School; m. Louisville, Ky., July 10, 1894, Dr. A. Bennett Cooke, one daughter: Dorothy, b. May 30, 1901. Pres. Tenn. Fed. of Women's Clubs; vice-pres. Nashville Anti-Tuberculosis League; mem. Exec. Board State Anti-Tuberculosis League; chairman of art, Centennial Club, etc. Favors woman suffrage. Magazine writer (occasionally); wrote: Eugene Field's Message to the Child Lover; Phosphate Mining in Tennessee; Municipal Housekeeping; Municipal Art in Florence; Legends of the Holy Grail and Abbey's Conception of Them. Baptist. Recreation: Motoring. Mem. Centennial Club (dep't club), Browning Club, Review Club, Nashville.

COOKE, Flora Juliette, 330 Webster Av., Chicago, Ill.

Principal Francis W. Parker School, Chicago, Ill.; b. Bainbridge, O., Dec. 25, 1864; dau. Sumner and Rosetta (Ellis) Hannum; adopted parents from 1870, Charles E. and Luella (Miller) Cooke; attended elementary school; grad. Rayon High School, Youngstown, O., 1884; special courses in Cook Co. Normal; Chicago Univ.; Armour Inst. Principal Hillman School, Youngstown, O., 1887-89; critic teacher Cook Co. Normal, Chicago, 1891-97; primary supervisor, Chicago Inst., 1899-1900; prin.. Francis W. Parker School, 1901-. Instructor in dep't of education in teachers' institutes in 24 States and in Honolulu, H.I. Written nature myths for children, articles for educational periodicals. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Political Equality League, Chicago.

COOKE, Grace Macgowan (Mrs. William Cooke), Carmel, Cal.

Novelist; b. Gilead, O.; dau. John Encil and Marie (Johnson) MacGowan; ed. at home; m. Chattanooga, Tenn., 1887, William Cooke; children: Helen, Katharine MacGowan. Favors woman suffrage. Author: Mistress Joy, Return, The Grapple, Huldah, A Gourd Fiddle, Son Riley, Rabbit and Little Girl, The Power and the Glory, etc.

COOKE, Helen Temple, Dana Hall, Wellesley, Mass.

School principal; b. Rutland, Vt., Apr. 13, 1865; dau. Edmund Foster and Mary Ann (Bardwell) Cooke; ed. Rutland (Vt.) High School, Wellesley Coll., 1894-99. Conducted a private school in Rutland before entering Wellesley; since 1899 principal of Dana Hall School; now also principal of Tenacre School and Pine Manor School, all three schools being located at Wellesley, Mass. Congregationalism Favors woman suffrage.

COOKE, Jane Grosvenor, 114 E, Nineteenth St., N.Y. City.

Author, editor; ed. N.Y. City; student in American and European universities. Has done much editorial work and literary criticism. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Equal Franchise Soc. of N.Y. City. Author: An Interrupted Honeymoon, 1907.

COOKE, Marjorie Benton, The Elms, Chicago, Ill.

Author, monologist; b. Richmond, Ind.; dau. Joseph Henry and Jessie (Benton) Cooke; ed. Univ. of Chicago, Ph.B. (Sigma Club). Interested in social and philanthropic work, doing monologue recitals before working girls' clubs, reform schools, etc. Favors woman suffrage. Has given recitals of original suffrage monologues before at least a hundred suffrage meetings, also before Nat. Woman Suffrage Ass'n Convention in Louisville, Ky., 1912. Author: Modern Monologues; More Modern Monologues; Dramatic Episodes; Plays for Children. Novels: The Girl Who Lived in the Woods; Dr. David; To Mother; The Twelfth Christmas. Recreations: Tennis, golf, theatre. Mem. Women's University Club (N.Y. City), The Little Room, City Club (Chicago).

COOKE, Mary Jenckes (Mrs. George Phelps Cooke), 10 Church St., Milford, Mass.

Born Woonsocket, R.I., Nov. 22, 1859; dau. William Augustus and Adelia E. (Crooks) Jenckes; ed. Medway public schools; preparatory dep't Wellesley Coll.; Wellesley Coll., A.B. '81; m. Medway, Mass., Dec. 27, 1883, Dr. George Phelps Cooke; children: Allan Jenckes, b. 1884; Guenn, b. 1887; Mildred, b. 1890; Mary Janet, b. 1894. Registrar, Wellesley Coll., 1881-83. Interested in present day educational methods. Congregationalist. Mem. Boston Wellesley Club, Ass'n Collegiate Alumni, College Club of Boston.

COOKE, May Perry (Mrs. Walter P. Cooke), 69 Ashland Av., Buffalo, N.Y.

Born Buffalo, May 13, 1869; dau. Leonard B. and Hattie L. (Keeney) Perry; ed. State Normal School, Buffalo, N.Y.; m. Buffalo, June 28, 1894, Walter P. Cooke; children: Katharine, Carlton P. Mem. Board of Trustees of Buffalo State Hospital. Interested in Homoeopathic Hospital. Presbyterian. Mem. Twentieth Century Club.

COOKMAN, Emma Cornelius (Mrs. William Holmes Cookman), 420 W. Price St., Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa,

Born Philadelphia, May 8, 1872; dau. John C. and Emily Weaver (Fitler) Cornelius; ed. Walnut Lane School, Germantown; m. Oct, 28, 1898, William Holmes Cookman; one daughter: Emily Cornelius Cookman, b. Mar. 12, 1906. Musician and singer, a great deal publicly, but not professionally. Favors woman suffrage.

COOLBRITH, Ina (Donna), 1067 Broadway, San Francisco, Cal.

Born in Ill., of New England parentage; went to Cal. in early '50's; ed. Cal. public schools. Teacher several years. Librarian public library of Oakland, Cal., for twenty years, of Mercantile Library of San Francisco for two years, of