��ENDI.ICH, Elmma A., Reading, Pa.
Born Reading, Pa.; dau. John and Emma N. (Miller) Endlich; ed. Germany and Switzerland. For 36 years sec. of Women's E>mployment Bu- reau of Reading; sec. of Reading Home for Friendless Children; treas. Reading Conference Women's Missionary Soc. ; te.acher in Sunday- school; organist. Editor for 11 years of the Dea- coness Messenger and 11 years editor of The Mis- sion Worker; translated from the German: Christian Devotion; The Deaconess Calling, Katharine Von Bora; Luther and Count Erbach Karin. Recreations: Music, reading. Lutheran. ENGEL, Wilhelmlna Lammert (Mrs. Oscar W.
Engel), Sun Prairie, Wis.
Born Mlddleton, Wis., July 1, 1871; dau. Chris- tian and Sophie (Klelgast) Lammert; ed. Middle- ton High School; m. Mlddleton, Wis., June 24, 1896, Oscar W. Engel; children: Martha Sophie, Doris Wilhelmlna. "Taught school before mar- riage; teaches china painting and water color. Mem. Missionary Soc. and Ladies' Aid, Woman's Twentieth Century Club, Social Art Club. Con- gregational ist. Favors woman suffrage. ENGELKE, Ida Darling (Mrs. Bernard L.
Engelke), 5231 Cornell Av., Chicago, 111.
Born Auburn, Mass., Sept. 16, 1873; dau. Jas- per Tucker and Sarah (Winchester) Darling; ed. Worcester public schools. Smith Coll., B.L. '97; m. Chicago, 1905, Bernard L. Engelke; one daughter: Elizabeth. Taught in Wendell Phillips High School, Chicago, 1897-1905. Mem. Chicago Ass'n of Coll. Alumnae, Chicago Smith Coll. Club. Active mem. Chicago Political Equality League and of the Cook County Suffrage Alliance; is doing practical work for cause of woman's suffrage. Universalist. ENGLAND, Octavia Grace Ritchie (Mrs. Frank
Richardson England), 126 Bishop St., Mon- treal, Can.
Physician; b. Montreal, 1868; dau. Thomas Weston and Jessie Torrance (Fisher) Ritchie; fed. Girls' High School, Montreal; Faculty of Arts, McGill Univ., B.A. '88; honors in natural science. Queen's Coll., Kingston; Bishop's Coll., Montreal; m. Montreal, 1897, Frank Richardson England, M.D.; one daughter: Esther Ritchie. Took medical course for two years at Queen's Coll., Kingston, Ont. ; completed course in Mon- treal, Bishop's Coll., CM., M.D. '91; post-grad, work in Glasgow and Vienna. Thirteen years on the staff of the Western General Hospital, first as assistant physician and then as assistant gynecologist. Pres. Montreal Local Council of Women; interested in the activities of the local national council, especially in the suffrage ques- tion, sanitation, education, child-welfare, muni- cipal reform. Mem. Royal Edward Inst., Vic- torian Order of Nurses, Nat. Council of Women of Canada, Alumnse Soc. of McGill Univ., Wo- men's Canadian Club, Montreal. Episcopalian. Favors woman suffrage (Montreal Local Council of Women have just begun to organize a suffrage society).
ENGUSH, Jennie Wright (Mrs. J. E. English),
326 Fourth Av., Baraboo, Wis.
Born Prairie du Sac, Wis., Dec. 3, 1859; dau. John E. and Elizabeth A. (Steele) Wright; ed. Prairie du Sac and Sauk City High Schools, Golden Hill Sem., Bridgeport, Conn.; m. Prairie du Sac, Wis., Sept. 22, 1880, Dr. J. E. English, M.D.; children: Phoebe, b. May 2, 1887 (died March, 1888); John E., b. April 7, 1891. Has specialized on fungi and an authority on that subject. Wrote an article on Common Edible Mushrooms, which appeared in State horticul- tural publication in volume of 1907; often writes for local paper on various subjects. Presby- terian. Mem. Library Board for last ten years. Recreations: Travel, camping, study of natural sciences. Mem. Fortnightly Club, Woman's Club, Child's Welfare Club.
ENGLISH, Kate Vincent (Mrs. William F. Eng- lish), 1401 Genesee Av., Saginaw, Mich. Social worker; b. Marlette, Mich., July 1, 1872; dau. A. B. and Phoebe L. (Goetchies) Hager; ed. Marlette High School, Ferris Inst., Mich.; North- western Univ.; m. Marlette, Mich., Oct. 31, 1904, William F. English, M.D. Engaged until mar-
��riage as teacher in public and county normal schools. Sup't Primary Dep't Sunday-school; pres. Saginaw City Federation of Women's Clubs; chairman Legislative Com. Mich. State Federa- tion of Women's Clubs; mem. Visiting Com. Mich. State Public Schools; School Patrons Com. Nat. Education Ass'n; mem. Nat. Labor Legisla- tion Ass'n; hon. mem. Detroit Children's Bureau. Favors woman suffrage, doing suffrage work In Mich. Legislature and as State speaker. Con- tributor to various magazines (subjects Include articles on travel In U.S. and Mexico and women In public affairs). Congregatlonallst. Mem. Sagi- new Civic League, Woman's Hospital Ass'n. Ass't In work of corrections and charities and juvenile courts. Mem. Antl-Tuberculosis Soc. Recreation: Travel. Clubs: Saginaw Reading, Saginaw Art, Saginaw Woman's, Winter. Di- rector Parliamentary Study Class. Organized school garden work In Saginaw and developed plan for beautifying yards and parks through wholesale purchase of trees and shrubs and building of bird houses.
ENGLISH, Lucy K. (Mrs. Edwin H. English).
39 Prospect St., New Haven, Conn.
Born Waterbury, Conn., Jan. 14, 1855; dau. Stephen W. and Lucia Hosmer (Andrews) Kel- logg; ed. Vassar, A.B. '75 (Phi Beta Kappa); m. Waterbury, Conn., Oct. 5, 1SS2, Edwin H. English (died Oct. 6, 1899); children: Lucia Hosmer, b. Apr. 16, 1884 (died May 22, 1892); Marguerite Griswold, b. Feb. 11, 1886 (Vassar, A.B. '08); Stephanie Kellogg, b. Aug. 27, 1887 (Vaissar, A.B. 10); Charles Leverett, b. Oct 20, 1888 (Yale, A.B. '10); Harriet Holt, b. Oct 21, 1890 (Vassar, A.B. '12); Edwin Holt b. Jan. 16, 1893; Katharine Prescott b. Dec. 27, 1894; Frank Kellogg, b. Feb. 28, 1898. Interested In Home Missionary Soc. of Center Church. Congregatlonallst Mem. D.A.R. (first vice-regent), Ass'n of Ck)llegiate Alumnae, Vassar Studentg' Aid Soc, Vassar Alumnaa Ass'n, Nat Geographic Soc. Recrea- tion: Golf. Mem. New Haven Lawn Club, Bethlehem (N.H.) Country Club.
ENGLISH, Stella M»« Williams (Mrs. William
C. English), Chadron, Neb.
Teacher; b. Wilton, la.. Mar. 17, 1875; dau. Alexander Lee and Mary Anna (Gorsuch) Will- iams; ed. by governess and in public schools of S.Dak. and State Normal at Madison, S.Dak. ; m. Aberdeen, S.Dak., Dec. 20, 1899, W. C. English; children: Margaret, James Alexander. Taught under the Civil Service in Indian Dep't of Gov- ernment about 4 years; was located at Cherokee, N.C., and Rosebud, S.Dak. Interested in and aids all movements of social uplift and practical philanthropy; active in church and Sunday-school and missionary work among foreigners of America. Baptist Mem. Order of the Eastern Star. Active worker in Missionary Soc. of the Baptist Church. Recreations: Out-door exercise, driving, hunting. Mem. Federated Woman's Club of Chadron, Neb. (now pres.).
ENG8TAD, Mathilda Charlotte (Mrs. John Even Engstad), 1790 Irving Av., South, Min- neapolis, Minn.
Bom Manistee, Mioh., July 27, 1868; dau. Samuel Chelln and Maren (Bruun) Johnson; ed. high school. Black River Falls, Wis.; high school, Minneapolis, Minn.; Minneapolis Acad.; m. Blair, Wis., Sept 28, 1887, John Even Eng- stad, M.D.; children: Valborg, b. Mar. 7, 1889 (died July 26, 1907); Dagna Elsie, b. Dec. 24, 1894. Pres. Falrvlew Hospital Auxiliary; sec. Dovre Aid Soc. (supports poor), Bethlehem Aid Soc, Our Saviour's Aid Soc. Has written a series of articles on travel for local newspapers. Clubs: Tourist, Current Events and Literary Soc, Thursday Musical (associate delegate of latter). Recreations: Motoring, camping and fishing. Lutheran.
ENMAN, I'lorejice Mabelle Holden (Mrs. Fred- erick F. Enman), 25 Beverly Road, Worcester, Mass.
Born Worcester, Mass., Jan. 6, 1875; dau. Will- iam Holden and M. Rosilla Putnam Holden; ed. Worcester grammar and high school, '93, and Middlebury Coll., grad. B.S. '97, In first third of r]a.ss, becoming Phi Beta Kappa (mem. Alpha
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