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church work and missionary socs. Mem. Ter- ritorial Com. of the Y.W.C.A. of Ohio and W.Va. Mem. Ass'n of College Alumnæ; Women's Club of Oberlin. Congregationalist. Favors woman suffrage.

FITCH, Harriet Earling (Mrs. Lawrence Fitch), 399 Terrace AV., Milwaukee, Wis.

Born Milwaukee, Feb. 12, 1878; dau. Albert J. and Margaret (Peebles) Earling; ed. Dearborn Sem., Chicago, and Ogontz, Pa.; m. Chicago, June 1, 1899, Lawrence Fitch; children: Mar- garet Martha, Earling. Interested in Milwaukee Infants' Home and Hospital, Good Roads Ass'n of Wisconsin. Episcopalian. Recreations: Golf, swimming, motoring.

FITCH, Mary Alida, 337 E. Market St., Warrensburg, Mo.

Teacher of science; b. Warrensburg, Mo., June 16, 1880; dau. Elihu C. and Alida (Smithson) Fitch; ed. Warrensburg public schools, Warrens- burg State Normal, '01; Univ. of Missouri, B.S. '05, A.M. '06; Sigma Xi '06; elected to fellowship in zoology, '06; Cornell Univ., Ph.D. '12; mem. Alpha Omicron Pi. Teacher of science in public and private schols, 1904-05, 1906-08; ass't in botany, Purdue Experiment Station, Lafayette, Ind., 1910-12. Episcopalian. Mem. Am. Ass'n for Advancement of Science.

FITCH, Rachel Louise, Cambridge, Ill.

Born Galva, Ill., Sept. 27, 1878; dau. Elmer E. and Rachel (Helgesen) Fitch; ed. high school, Galva, Ill., 1895, Knox Coll., Galesburg, Ill., 1899-1902, A.B., M.A. (mem. Delta Delta Delta, council 7 years). Taught school about 4 years at Galva, Ill., and at Milton, N.Dak. Editor and business manager of the Galva Weekly News, 1906-08; elected hon. mem. of Men's Commer- cial Club of Galva; vice-pres. Military Tract Press Ass'n of Ill. Nat. inspector for Delta Delta Delta, visiting in its interests 60 colleges and universities of the U.S. Organist Congre- gational Church, Kewanee, Ill.; librarian Town- ship Library, Cambridge, Ill.; mem. first library board public library, Galva, Ill., 1908-11. Editor The Trident of Delta Delta Delta since 1905. Mem. The Woman's Tuesday Club of Galva, Ill., a travel study club holding bi-monthly meetings; D.A.R. (Kewanee, Ill., chapter). Pres. College Literary Soc., College Glee Club (Wom- an's). Favors woman suffrage.

FITTS, Maud Lenore Emerson (Mrs. Clarke C. Fitts), Brattleboro, Vt.

Born Milford, N.H., May 20, 1870; dau. Sumner B. and Martha A. (Bales) Emerson; ed. Smith Coll., '93; m. Brattleboro, June 30, 1903, Clarke C. Fitts; children: Osmer Cushing, b. Oct. 21, 1905; Miriam, b. Dec. 17, 1910. Pres. Brattleboro Tuberculosis Ass'n; vice-pres. Brattleboro Civic League; vice-pres. Vermont Fed. Women's Clubs Against woman suffrage. Congregationalist. Mem. Soc. for Promotion of Teaching Speech to the Deaf. Recreations: Driving, automobiling, golf, tennis, skating. Taught in high school four years and deaf school four years before marriage.

FITZ, Adeline Frances Slade (Mrs. Frank Eustace Fitz), Beach Bluff, Mass.; winter, Inverness, Fla.

Born Chelsea, Mass., July 12, 1861; dau. David and Elizabeth Wilson (Whitaker) Slade; ed. private tutors, Carolyn Johnson's School for Girls, Beacon Hill, Boston; m. Chelsea, Mass., 1884, Frank Eustace Fitz; children: Eustace Cary, David Slade, Robert Francis. Writer of songs, lecturer and club woman. Mem. of Pro- fessional Woman's Club, Boston Kosmos Club, New England Genealogical Soc., Soc. for Preser- vation of New England Antiquities. Has served as historian, vice-regent and regent Mass. Daugh- ters of the Revolution. Pres.-gen. Nat. Soc. Daughters of the Revolution, 1909-12. Composer songs: The Sweetest Flower That Blows; The Dandelion and the Daisy; The Shepherd's Lul- laby; My Little Sweetheart; The Siren of Old, and many children's songs. Episcopalian. Rec- reations: Music, floriculture, research work. Published a magazine article, Music of Our Forefathers, which appeared in the New England Magazine.

FITZ GERALD, Anne Campbell (Mrs. James Tabor FitzGerald), 2445 Western Av., Los Angeles, Cal.

Born Batesville, Ark., Apr. 1, 1867%; dau. John and Sarah (Bates) Campbell; ed. public schools of Portland, Ore; m. San José, Cal., Aug. 30, 1892, James Tabor FitzGerald: оде adopted daughter: Anne Louise FitzGerald, b. Feb. 10, 1906. Contributes to art, music and to the recognized charities. Against woman suffrage. Democrat. Mem. Daughters of the Confederacy, Los Angeles Chapter; the Auxiliary of the Good Shepherd, Y.W.C.A. Recreations: Reading, card playing, traveling. Pres. of Galpin Shakespeare Club, vice-pres. Ebell Club, 1912-13.

FITZGERALD, Marie V., Whitestone, L.I., N.Y.

Journalist; b. Brooklyn, N.Y., 1884; dau. John and M. L. Fitzgerald; ed. Villa Marie Normal Coll. Art editor, Standard Union, Brooklyn; gen. press representative playbroker William A. Brady, also free lance and playwright.

FITZ GERALD, Susan Walker (Mrs. Richard Y. Fitz Gerald), 7 Greenough Av., Jamaica Plain, Mass.

Secretary; b. Cambridge, Mass., May 9, 1871; dau. John Grimes (U.S.N.) and Rebecca W. (Pickering) Walker; grad. Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '93; m. Wilton, N.H., Aug. 3, 1901, Richard Y. Fitz Gerald; children: Anne, Rebecca, Susan. Sec. to dean and pres. Bryn Mawr Coll., 1893-95; teacher private schools, Washington, D.C., 1895-97; head of Fiske Hall, Barnard Coll., 1898- 1901; head resident West Side Branch Univ. Set- tlement, N.Y. (later called Richmond Hill House), 1901-04; sec. Boston Equal Suffrage Ass'n for Good Government, 1907-10; sec. School Voters' League, Boston, 1910-11; cor. sec. Mass. Woman Suffrage Ass'n, 1911-12; rec. sec. Nat. Am. Woman Suffrage Ass'n, 1911-12. Author: Woman in the Home; What is Democracy; and 4 of the Rainbow Fliers. Mem. Boston Coll. Club, Bryn Mawr Club.

FITZGIBBON, Eleanor, 514 Lydia St., Carnegie, Pa.

Born Armstrong Co., Pa.; dau. William and Gertrude Grace Fitzgibbon; prepared for college at Dilworth Hall, Pittsburgh; grad. Pa. Coll. for Women, A.B. '03. Active in society, club work and in various philanthropic and religious work, especially interested in work in behalf of chil- dren. Chairman of Dramatic Dep't of College Club of Pittsburgh; interested in amateur dra- matics. Favors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Recreations: Golf, riding, walking. Mem. Col- lege Club of Pittsburgh, Monday Club of Car- negie, Pittsburgh Branch Dickens Fellowship, De- cade Club, Pa. Coll. for Women.

FITZHUGH, Laura Davis (Mrs. R. K. Fitzhugh), Augusta, Ark.

Teacher; b. Forrest City, Ark., Feb. 15, 1875; dau. Thos. Jefferson and Martha (Hood) Davis; ed. Forrest City public school; Ward Sem., Nashville, Tenn.; Vanderbilt Univ., Nashville, Tenn.; Ecole de Mmes. de Raucourt, Chalons- sur-Marne, Sorbonne, Paris, France; m. For- rest City, Ark., Sept. 6, 1905, R. K. Fitzhugh; children: Rufus Davis, 1906; Thomas Baytop, 1908. Rec. sec. Ark. Federation of Women's Clubs; mem. Ex. Com. Ark. State Charities and Corrections; especially interested in educational and civic work. Mem. Qui Vive Club, City Beautiful League, French Club, Cemetery Ass'n, School Improvement Ass'n. Recreation: Auto- mobiling. Unitarian. Favors woman suffrage.

FITZPATRICK, Ida Hester (Mrs. Z. I. Fitzpat- rick), Thomasville, Ga. (summer, Madison, Ga.).

Born Brooks Co., Ga., Dec. 3, 1863; dau. Cul- len and Mary (Yates) Hester; ed. high school, Quitman, Ga., and Houston Female Coll., Perry, Ga.; m. July 8, 1884, at home, Brooks Co., Z. I. Fitzpatrick. Taught in public schools of Blake- ly, Ga., Albany, Ga., and Lavonia, Ga.; also taught in early married life (teacher 10 years). Active in church work, missionary soc. and Sun- day-school teacher. For years historian of John B. Gordon Chapter United Daughters of Con- federacy, Thomasville, Ga., and is now direc- tress John Triplett Chapter Children of the