310 FULLER and Mrs. Susan M. (Arey) Frye; grad. Abbot Acad., Andover, Mass., '82 (pres. of the class), Radcliffe Coll., A.B. (cum laude) '04. Engaged in teaching from graduation. Congregationalist. Mem. Ass'n of Coll. Alumnæ, Radcliffe Coll. Alumnæ Ass'n, Abbott Acad. Alumnæ Ass'n, Woman's Board of Missions (life mem.). Clubs: College (Boston), Methebesic, Shakespeare Soc. (Rockland, Me.). FULLER, Anna, Boston, Mass. Author; b. Cambridge, Mass., Nov, 1853; dau. Robert Henry and Mary L. (Bent) Fuller; ed. Abbot Acad., Andover, Mass. Author: Pratt Portraits; A Literary Courtship; Peak and Prairie; A Venetian June; One of the Pilgrims; Katherine Day: Later Pratt Portraits; The Thunderhead Lady. FULLER, Caroline Macomber, care John Crosby, Washburn-Crosby Co., Minneapolis, Minn. Novelist, composer; b. Bangor, Me., Sept. 10, 1873; dau. Henry D. (lieutenant in Civil War) and Julia (Muzzy) Fuller; grad. Smith Coll., B.L. class '95 (leader of Glee Club, mem. Phi Kappa Psi. Soc.). Author: Across the Campus, 1899; The Alley Cat's Kitten, 1904; The Flight of Puss Pandora, 1906; Brunhilde's Paying Guest, 1907; The Bramble Bush, 1911. Musical com- positions: The Shepherd of the Day: Three Songs from Robert Browning; also musical com- edy, The Old Songs. Mem. Women's Univ. Club, N.Y. City. FULLER, Charlotte Anthony (Mrs. Caleb Allen Fuller), 128 Lathrop St., Madison, Wis. Born Providence, R.I., Nov. 8, 1880; dau. Henry Allen and Lucy (Glover) Anthony; ed. Barrington (R.I.) High School and Brown Univ., Ph.B. '03 (mem. Delta Sigma); m. Barrington, R.I., June 15, 1905, Caleb Allen Fuller; one son: Caleb Allen Jr. Against woman suffrage. Episco- palian. Mem. Madison Woman's Club. FULLER, Clara McLean Heath (Mrs. William E. Fuller), care N.Y. Genealogical and Bio- graphical Soc., 226 W. Fifty-eighth St., N.Y. City. Born N.Y. City, Dec. 8, 1854; ed. private schools of Miss Comstock, Madame Prevost and Miss Macaulay, N.Y. City; studied art at Art Stu- dents' League, N.Y. City, under instruction of C. Y. Turner, William M. Chase and others; was first student in School of Applied Design for Women, founded in N.Y. City by Mrs. Dunlap- Hopkins, 1892; m. (1st) H. Courtney Manning; (2d) 1903, William E. Fuller, ass't Attorney Gen- eral of U.S. Actively interested in patriotic, philanthropic, genealogical, biographical and historical work and has won distinction in va- rious departments of art. Known throughout country by her genealogical column in Sunday edition N.Y. Herald. For many years registrar Soc. Daughters of Holland Dames of N.Y. Re- cording sec. gen. D.A.R. during administration of Mrs. Charles W. Fairbanks, wife of the ex-Vice- President of the U.S. Mem. N.Y. Genealogical and Biographical Soc., Soc. Mayflower Descend- ants, U.S. Daughters of 1812, Nat. Soc. of New England Women, Am. Scenic-Historic Preserva- tion Soc., Stony Wold Ass'n for Consumptives; manager N.Y. Home for Convalescents. FULLER, Genevieve Morrill (Mrs. Robert Gor- ham Fuller), Dover, Mass. Born Cincinnati, O., 1885; dau. Henry A. and Anna (McGuffey) Morrill; ed. Cincinnati Col- legiate School for Girls; m. Cincinnati, Sept., 1912, Robert Gorham Fuller; children: Horace Williams, Anne Tilton, Robert Gorham. Pres. Dover League for Equal Suffrage; mem. Mass. Woman's Suffrage Ass'n. Episcopalian. Mem. Dover Branch Alliance. FULLER, Hattie Smith (Mrs. J. A. Fuller), 406 Mariners' Lane, Albert Lea, Minn. Supervisor of music; b. Birmingham, Mich., Feb. 18, 1869; dau. Oliver A. and Julia (Talbot) Smith; grad. Boulder (Colo.) public school, '87%; Chautauqua, '95; Thomas Normal School, De- troit, '91; Nat. Music School, Chicago, '92; m. Albert Lea, Minn., Feb. 18, 1892, J. A. Fuller; one daughter: Marvyl Fuller, b. Mar. 10, 1895. Sec. Public Library Board; mem. City Park Board of St. Hilda's Guild (religious); choir director. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Was charter mem. of Ladies' Library Board, which later became the Public or City Library Board, sec. from organization, also chairman of Book Com.; was charter mem. of Women's Im- provement League, which resulted after new charter in a Park Board appointed by Mayor. Mem. Beethoven Club; was mem. Chautauqua Club, did work in four years (diploma 1895). Taught school at Lafayette, Colo., near Boulder, Colo.; taught in Boulder public schools; super- vised music and drawing in Goshen (Ind.) public schools in 1890; removed to Albert Lea as super- visor in 1891; has taught in the State Training Schools in Austin, Albert Lea and Crookston, Minn. FULLER, Lucia Fairchild (Mrs. Henry B. Ful- ler), 78 East 55th St., N.Y. City. Artist; b. Boston, 1872; dau. Charles and Eliz- abeth (Nelson) Fairchild; ed. Mrs. Shaw's School, Boston, Cowles Art School, Art Stu- dents' Leaguo of N.Y.; m. Boston, 1893, Henry B. Fuller; children: Clara Bartram, Charles Fairchild. Associate of the Nat. Acad. of De- sign; vice-pres. Am. Soc. of Miniature Paint- ers. Awarded bronze medal, Paris, 1900; silver medal. Buffalo; gold medal, St. Louis. Mem. Equal Franchise Soc., Woman's Political Union, N. Y. City, and a suffrage soc. in New Hamp- shire. Mem. Colony Club, N.Y. Women's Cos- mopolitan Club. FULLER, Lucy Derby (Mrs. Samuel Richard Fuller), 405 Beacon St., Boston, Mass., and 193 rue de l'Université, Paris, France. Born Boston, 1851; dau. Elias Hasket and Eloise (Strong) Derby; ed. private schools in Boston; m. Boston, Aug. 22, 1895, Samuel Richard Fuller, sociologist. Mem. Bacon Soc. of London, Alliance Française, Boston; Salon Française, Boston. Interested in working girls' clubs. Favors woman suffrage. FULLER, Mary Breese, 123 Elm St., North- ampton, Mass. College professor; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '94; M.A. '99; student of history, Oxford Univ. (Eng- land), 1897-98. Teacher Drury Coll., fall of 1894; in private school, Kansas City, Mo., 1895-97; St. Louis, 1897-99; Boston, 1899; instructor (history), 1900-10; associate prof. history since 1910, Smith Coll. Mem. Am. Historical Ass'n, Smith Coll. Alumnæ Ass'n. FULLER, Montie Sutton (Mrs. Milton Pickett Fuller), 1008 Lake Av., Waseca, Minn. Teacher; b. Gilman, Ill., Dec. 11, 1879; dau. Critton and Polly Ann (Stowell) Sutton; ed. Parker Coll., Winnebago, Minn.; Mankato State Normal; special work at Univ. of Minn. and Columbia Coll., N.Y.; m. Aug. 12, 1903, Milton Pickett Fuller. Principal Glenville public schools, 1906-08; supervisor Normal Training Dep't, Albert Lea High School, 1908-10; prin- cipal Albert Lea High School, 1910-12. Active mem. Episcopal Church. Against woman suf- frage. Clubs: Beethoven (Albert Lea), Monday Study (Waseca, Minn.). FULLER, Olive Beatrice Muir (Mrs. David J. Fuller), 162 Clinton St., Brooklyn, N.Y. Author; b. Kansas City, Mo., Nov. 2, 1874; dau. John and Mary Elizabeth (Newbanks) Muir; ed. public schools, Packer Inst., Brooklyn; Wes- leyan Ladies' Sem., Hamilton, Ont.; m. N.Y. City, Jan. 4, 1900, Dr. David J. Fuller; children: Olive Muriel, David Otis. Has given lectures on the French Revolution. Author (novels): With Malice Toward None; Thy Name is Woman; also short stories and verses in magazines. Baptist. Republican. Mem. Professional Woman's League (former cor. sec.), Legislative League of N.Y., Soc. of Am. Authors. Traveled in Europe and over North America, including Alaska. Recrea- tions: Theatre, tennis. Mem. N.Y. Woman's Press Club, Civitas Club (Brooklyn). FULLER, Ruth Hamilton, 39% Washington Square West, N.Y. City. Editor; b. Hamilton, Ont.; dau. Valancey Eng- land and Louise (Coxwell) Fuller and grand- daughter Bishop Fuller, of Diocese of Niagara; ed. by governess, Va. Female Inst., Staunton, Va., and Rogers Hall, Lowell, Mass. On edi-
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