portrait in bas-relief of Dr. J. G. Holland. That piece of work was destroyed by fire in 1888, and Miss Eggleston was called upon to replace it. Of late she has occupied herself much with hook illustrations. Her father's novel, "The Graysons." is illustrated by her, while many of the pictures in his popular school histories, as well as in other school books, bear her signature. She has illustrated a life of Columbus, written by her sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Eggleston Seelye, and edited by their father. Miss Eggleston is versatile. She does many kinds of artistic decorative work for amusement. Among other things she models in leather, having executed the cover for the album containing autographs of distinguished American authors, which was presented to Mrs. Grover Cleveland as an acknowledgment of her interest in the copyright bill, by Edward Eggleston. Miss Eggleston spends the winter in New York and makes her home during the rest of the year at Lake George, where she has a studio in her father's picturesque stone library.
ELLIOTT, Mrs. Maud Howe, novelist, born in Boston, Mass., 9th November, 1855. She is the youngest daughter of Julia Ward Howe, the poet, and of Dr. Samuel G. Howe, famous for his work in the Institute for the Blind in South Boston, Mass. She was carefully educated under the supervision of her mother and drawn into literary activity by her intellectual environments. She traveled abroad and early saw much of the world in Rome. Paris and other European centers of art and literature. In her earlier years she wrote a good deal, but only for her own amusement. Her fear of ridicule and criticism kept her from publishing her first poems and novels. Her first published story appeared in "Erank Leslie's Weekly." She then began to write for newspapers in New York, and letters from Newport to the Boston "Evening Transcript." She became the wife, in 1887, of John Elliott, the English artist, and they made their home in Chicago, 111. Soon after her marriage her first bonk, "A Newport Aquarelle," was published anonymously. It was an instant success. Her next serious work was "The San Kosario Ranche." which appeared under her own name. After a visit to New Orleans she wrote her "Atalanta in the South, " which scored a success. Her next book was "Mammon," which appeared in " Lippincott's Magazine." Her latest novel is "Phyllida." Among her miscellaneous works are a sketch of her mother in "Famous Women," "The Strike," a story published in the "Century," and a dramatic sketch entitled "(iolden Meshes." Recently Mrs. Elliott has delivered lectures on "Contemporaneous Literature," and has published a serial in the " Indies' Home Journal." Among her productions is a play, "The Man Without a Shadow." Since her marriage, the greater part of her time has been passed in Chicago. Her summers she passes near Newport, R. I., where her summer home, "Oak Glen," is situated. In Boston she spends her time with her mother. Her life is full of literary, artistic and social activities.
ELLSLER. Miss Effie, actor, born in Philadelphia, Pa. She is a daughter of John A. Ellsler, the well-known actor and manager. Her mother also was an actor of merit. Erne's strongly marked talents are therefore an inheritance. She was early upon the stage. At the age of three years she made her debut as the Genius of the Ring in "Aladdin." At the age of four years she played Eva in "Uncle Tom's Cabin," and she made a hit in that role. Soon after Effie's birth her parents settled in Cleveland, Ohio, where her father took the management of a theater. The child was called upon from time to time to play child parts. Her
parents at first intended to train her for dancing, and Effie soon acquired remarkable agility in the preliminary training. She was sent for a number of years to the Ursuline Convent in Cleveland,