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people who have no other occupation. She has teen a frequent Contributor to the leading magazines and literary journals of the country, including the "Century." "Lippincott's Magazine," "Cosmopolitan Magazine," "St. Nicholas," "Wide Awake," "The American," "America." "Harper's Weekly," San Francisco "Argonaut" and a score of lesser periodicals. In 1888 she was employed by Chicago publishers to write a young people's history of the United States. That she did under the title of "The Story of America." producing in four months a volume of over seven-hundred pages, in which the leading events of American history are woven together in a charming style and with dramatic skill and effect. One of the most remarkable things about that work is that she dictated the whole of it, keeping two stenographers busy in taking and writing out what she gave them. In 18S9 she wrote "The Judge," a novel, for which she received a nine-hundred-dollar prize from the Detroit "Free Press." That story- has since been published in book form. In the fall of 1889 she was employed by the Northern Pacific Railroad to go to Alaska and write up that country. That she did, traveling alone from Duluth to Alaska and back. As a result of that trip she wrote a widely-circulated guide-book, entitled "A Trip Through Wonderland." She has also published "With Scrip and Staff" (New York, 1891). a tale of the children's crusade. In addition to her literary work, Mrs. Peattie is a model housekeeper. She has three children.

PECK, Miss Annie Smith, archaeologist, educator and lecturer, born in Providence, R. I., 19th October, 1850. She is of good old New England stock, a descendant on her mother's side of Roger Williams, on her father's of Joseph Peck, who came to this country in 1638. In England the line may be traced back to the tenth century through an old Saxon family of the English gentry, B copy of whose coat-of-arms and crest may be seen in the Peck genealogy. Her home was of the rather severe New England type, but from early childhood Annie was allowed to engage in boyish Sports with her three brothers. She has always had an unusual loudness for physical exercise, with an especial love of mountain climbing, and thus preserves a healthful buoyancy of spirits not always found in those of studious habits. ANNIE SMITH PECK. She attended the public schools in Providence and was always the youngest, often the best, scholar in her class. While teaching in a high school in Michigan, the opportunities afforded to women by the Michigan University were brought to her attention. Her naturally ambitious temperament led her to seek a career which should give scope to her talents, and she determined to secure a college education similar to that received by her brothers. Resigning her position as preceptress, to prepare for college, she entered the University of Michigan without conditions the next September, having accomplished two years' work in seven months. She was graduated in 1878, second to in me in her class, having distinguished herself in every branch of study, whether literary or scientific. After graduation Miss Peck again engaged in teaching, spending two years as professor of Latin in Purdue University. In 1881 she took her master's degree, mainly for work in Greek. Going abroad in 1884. she spent several months in the study of music and German in Hanover, some months in Italy, devoting her time especially to the antiquities, and the summer in Switzerland in mountain climbing. In 1885 and 1886 she pursued the regular course of study in the American School of Classical Studies in Athens, Greece, of which Prof. Frederick D. Allen, of Harvard, was then director. She traveled extensively in Greece and visited Sicily, Troy and Constantinople. Immediately after her return home she occupied the chair of Latin in Smith College, but of late has devoted herself to public lecturing on Greek archaeology and travel, her lectures have attracted wide notice and have received hearty commendation both from distinguished scholars and from the press. In her few spare moments she is planning to write a book within the range of her archaeological studies. Her course has been strictly of her own determination, receiving but the negative approval of those from whom cordial sympathy might have been expected, except for the encouragement and assistance rendered by her oldest brother. Dr. George B. Peck, of Providence, R. I. In religion Miss Peck is a good orthodox Baptist, but has, like her renowned progenitor, broad views of life and sympathy with those of other creeds or none. In addition to her more solid acquirements, she possesses numerous and varied accomplishments, which are all characterized by skill and exactness. She is a profound classical scholar, a distinguished archæologist and an accomplished musician. Her home is still in Providence, though most of her time is spent elsewhere.

PECKHAM, Mrs. Lucy Creemer, physician, born in Milford, Conn., 27th March, 1842. Her father, Joshua R. Gore, was a native of Ham- den, Conn., and his parents and grandparents were Connecticut people. Her ancestors on the maternal side were among the first settlers of the old town of Milford. Her mother's name was Mary Smith. Lucy was the oldest of four children, and when she was about seven years of age, the family removed to New Haven, and the children were all educated in the public schools of that city. The girls were brought up to be self-reliant and helpful. From eighteen to twenty-three Lucy helped toward the well-being of the family by the use of her needle. In 1865 she