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one of the most eloquent preachers in the New Jersey Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Her father was Colonel George B. Bergen. Helen is the oldest child and only daughter. She has written for the press ever since she was a child. She passed her youth in Michigan, and later moved to Washington, D. C. She has lived in Louisiana and Texas, and has traveled much. She wrote first for home papers in Michigan and then for papers in the South. She has served on the Washington "Post," and is that journal's free-lance, and children's department editor. She acts as reporter when necessary, and is an all-round newspaper woman. She writes poetry, sketches, criticisms and stories. She has a wide circle of acquaintances among the prominent people of the day. She believes in equal pay for equal work by men and women. She holds high rank as a musical and dramatic critic. She is building a permanent home in Washington.

BERRY, Mrs. Adaline Hohf, author, born in Hanover, Pa., 20th December, 1859. She removed with her parents, at the age of four years, to Maryland, where she spent her childhood days amid the rural sights and sounds along the quiet Linganore. In 1870 her family removed to Iowa, where, as a school-girl in her teens, she first attempted verse. A talent for composition began its development about that time, and sketches from her pen, in the form of both poetry and prose, found their way into the local papers. She gave no particular evidence of a tendency to rhyme until 1884, at which time she resided in Illinois, when the death of a friend called forth a memorial tribute, which received such commendation from personal friends as to encourage her to ADALINE HOHF BERRY. continue to work in verse, and poems were frequently written by her afterward. She completed the academic course of Mt. Morris College (Illinois) in 1882, and about six months after graduation entered a printing office as compositor. She worked at the case more than four years and in May, 1885, undertook the editing of "The Golden Dawn," an excellent but short-lived magazine published in Huntingdon, Pa. On 20th June, 1888, she was married to William Berry, an instructor in vocal music, and soon after rendered him valuable assistance in compiling an excellent song-book, "Gospel Chimes," writing hymns and some music for it. She and her husband are at present happily located in Huntingdon, and Mrs. Berry is editing a child's paper known as "The Young Disciple." Her family consists of one child, a son, born in February', 1891. She is of mixed ancestry. Her father, Michael Hohf, was of Dutch extraction, and her mother, whose maiden name was Elizabeth Bucher, was of Swiss blood. Born in a community of "Pennsylvania Dutch," that language was the first she learned to speak.

BERRY, Mrs. Martia L. Davis, political reformer, born in Portland, Mich., 22nd January, MARTIA L. DAVIS BERRY. 1844. Her parents were born in New York State. Her father was of Irish and Italian descent. He was a firm believer in human rights, an earnest anti-slavery man and a strong prohibitionist. Her mother was of German descent, a woman far in advance of her times. Martia wished to teach school, and to that end she labored for a thorough education. She began to teach when she was seventeen years of age and taught five years in the public schools of her native town. At the close of the Rebellion she was married to John S. Berry, a soldier who had given to his country four years of service. In September, 1871, she removed with her husband and only child to Cawker City, Kans., and has since resided there. For twelve years she did a business in millinery and general merchandise. During eight years she was a superintendent of the Methodist Episcopal Sunday-school and a steward of the church. She