Page:Women's voices.djvu/70

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When the sheep are in the fauld,[1] and the kye[2] at hame,
And a' the weary warld to rest are gane,
The waes of my heart fall in showers frae my e'e,
While my gudeman lies sound by me.

Young Jamie loe'd me well, and sought me for his bride;
But, saving a crown, he had naething mair beside.
To make the crown a pound, my Jamie gaed to sea!
And the crown and the pound were baith for me.

He hadna been awa a week, but only twa,
When my father brak his arm, and our cow was stawn[3] awa';
My mother she fell sick, and my Jamie at the sea,
An' auld Robin Gray came a-courting me.

My father couldna work, and my mother couldna spin,
I toiled day and night, but their bread I couldna win.
And Rob maintained them baith, and wi' tears in his e'e,
Said, "Jeanie, for their sakes, will you no marry me?"

  1. Fold.
  2. Cows.
  3. Stolen.