Page:Women Wanted.djvu/210

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proving, you see, the effectual remedy. Wages enough to buy good food and then to pay for some one to cook it—that has made a new woman of this woman in industry.

And she doesn't want to go back to general housework in her own home, and to the "home" meals of white bread and boiled tea which the Home Office has specifically pointed out are not good enough on which to produce shells. She's accustomed now to her breakfast bacon! The workingman's wife at household labour had no Saturday half holidays in the kitchen. She had something like a sixteen hour day with no laws against overtime. Nobody bothered about how many hours she worked. Nobody counted her food calories. Nobody brought her roses. Nobody taught her to dance. Nobody noticed that she ought to be happy, without which she couldn't be efficient. Most of all, gentlemen, there wasn't any wage envelope there!

Do you know of any reason why she should wish to go back? Some 3000 of her were asked about it through a questionnaire recently sent out in England. And of these 3000, 2500 answered: "I prefer to remain in the work I am now doing." I am sure Mrs. Black would.

And I know the world is going to be very much surprised about it. But I think that Mr. Black, when he returns from the front, will prefer that she should. For Mr. Black is going to get a better dinner that way! The industrial canteen can cook better and cheaper for him and Mrs. Black than she