Page:Women Wanted.djvu/239

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world that you feel the solemn significance of the new woman movement more than here as you catch the echo of these new footsteps on stone floors where for hundreds of years no woman's foot has ever trod before.

The Bank of England isn't giving out the figures about the number of its women employés. An official just looks the other way and directs you down the corridor to put the inquiry to another black frock coat. O, well, if that's the way they feel about it! Others with less ivy on the walls may speak. The London and Southwestern Bank which before the war employed but two women, and these stenographers, now has 900 women. One of London's greatest banks, the London, City and Midland, has among 3000 employés 2600 women. The new woman in commerce is emerging in England and these are some of the verdicts on her efficiency:

Bank of England: "We find the women quick at writing, slow at figures. We have been surprised to find that they do as well as they do. But they are not so efficient as men."

London, City and Midland Bank: "For accuracy, willingness, and attention to duty, we may say that women employés excel."

Morgan and Grenfells: "We employ women on ledger work. But we find they lack the esprit de corps of men. And they don't like to work after hours."

Barclay's Bank: "We cannot speak too highly of our women clerks. They have shown great zeal