Page:Women of distinction.djvu/100

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Harriet Beecher Stowe says of her:

I never knew a person who possessed so much of that subtle, controlling personal power, called presence, as she.

The following are samples of her poetical productions:


(Tune—"John Brown").

The following song written for the First Michigan Regiment of colored, soldiers, was composed by Sojourner Truth during the war, and was sung by her in Detroit and Washington.F. W. Titus.

We are the valiant soldiers who've 'listed for the war;
We are fighting for the Union, we are fighting for the law;
We can shoot a rebel farther than a white man ever saw,
As we go marching on,


Glory, glory, hallelujah! Glory glory, hallelujah!
Glory, glory, hallelujah, as we go marching on.

Look there above the center, where the flag is waving bright;
We are going out of slavery, we are bound for freedom's light;.
We mean to show Jeff Davis how the Africans can fight.
As we go marching on.—Cho.

We are done with hoeing cotton, we are done with hoeing corn;
We are colored Yankee soldiers as sure as you are born;
When massa hears us shouting he will think 'tis Gabriel's horn,
As we go marching on.—Cho.

They will have to pay us wages, the wages of their sin;
They will have to bow their foreheads to their colored kith and kin.
They will have to give us house-room, or the roof will tumble in,
As we go marching on.—Cho.