Page:Women of distinction.djvu/158

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Mr. Trotter said:

In Boston they made many personal friends, receiving from many of its most cultured people very flattering attentions; and here too were pointed out to them, in a candid and friendly spirit, such defects in their voices or manner of singing as only those skilled in the highest technique of the musical art could detect. All such suggestions were readily received by the young ladies, who, acting upon the same, made much advancement in the technical requirements of the lyrical art. They lingered in Boston, being loath to leave its congenial art circles, and to leave behind its many facilities for improvement in their profession. Finally deciding to start again on their travels, they visited many of the towns and cities of Rhode Island and Connecticut. Their singing everywhere gave the utmost satisfaction, and cultivated New England confirmed, in words of highest praise, the verdict of the West and New York.



This lady, eminent in her profession, was born and educated in New England, where she received a very thorough English and classical education, graduating with honors from the Warny, R. I., Academy, where she had spent much time in study under the honorable Professor Isaac B. Cady. At the age of seven years she began the study of music under the most proficient masters of that day—Prof H. P. Pierce and Prof Ebon Tonyee of the Boston Conservatory, under whom she finished as teacher of the piano, church organ and vocal music. At the age of fifteen she made her debut at a grand Organ Recital,