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College, she has since taught as an employed teacher in Hearn Academy, in Texas, and Bowling Green Academy, in Kentucky, in both of which her efforts were successful. She has contributed to several of our Afro-American newspapers in the North and in the South. She is a good writer, producing such thoughts as are interesting and instructive. She has lived in Boston, and is now the wife of Rev. Mr. Stunim, of Philadelphia.

Mrs. Lucinda Bragg Adams is the very able daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George F. Bragg, of Petersburg, Va. Mrs. IvUcinda B. Adams is on the editorial staff of the Musical Messenger, as assistant of Miss A. L. Tilghman. Mrs. Adams is well up in music and highly thought of and beloved in musical circles. She is able as a writer and has done considerable writing for the various Afro-American papers.

Mrs. Lavinia B. Sneed is a lady of considerable power with the pen; an able and pleasing thinker. Born in New Orleans, La., May 15, 1867, but was educated in Kentucky, in the city of Louisville, where she graduated, as valedictorian of the class of 1887, from State University, receiving the degree of A. B.

In 1888 she became the efficient wife of Prof. Sneed, with whom she has since lived in much happiness.

She is an elocutionist of acknowledged ability, and is also an attractive singer.