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Her style is pure and correct; her selections excellent. The "Fifty Miles an Hour" made one thrill, it was so very impressive.—Long Branch (N. J.) News.

Miss Brown displayed remarkable powers of pathos and dramatic elocution. * * * Her excellent dramatic talent was displayed to the best advantage in the selection entitled "The Sioux Chief's Daughter." The audience was the largest ever gathered at a public entertainment in that place.—Newport (R. I.) News.

The readings of Miss H. Q. Brown confer a histrionic glow upon the colored race. She is the superior of nine out of ten elocutionists before the public.—Her description of "The Bells" is a masterpiece of elocutionary art which will withstand the severest and most cultivated criticism. Her prolongation of the tones of the bells is a wonderful representation of the poet's lines. Miss Brown's selections were all of a difficult order, and exhibited great versatility and ability to reach in most of them a still better execution,—Daily Republican., Emporia, Kans.

Of the recitations of Miss Hallie Q. Brovn too much cannot be said. As a reader she is the peer of any professional in the land.—Richmond (Ind.) Paladium.

Miss Brown in her elocution is unquestionably brilliant. Her "Fifty Miles an Hour," descriptive of Mrs. Garfield's ride to Washington when her husband was shot, was given with that generous touch of womanly feeling that made it the gem of the entertainment.—Miama Helmet, Piqua, O.

But the crowning feature of the company is the elocutionist, Miss Hallie Q. Brown. Nothing finer in elocution has been heard in this city, with no exception or reservation in favor of other eminent elocutionists who have appeared in this city. She is capable of touching every chord of emotion, equally effective in pathos and humor. The intonations of her voice are as exquisite as those of an seolian harp, and as melodious as music itself, and in dramatic fervor and power of dramatic expression Miss Brown is inimitable. What, for instance, can be more melodious and touching than her recitation of the Church Bells, or what more genuinely humorous than the recitation of the original piece called The Apple. Miss Brown cannot fail of establishing for herself a national reputation at no distant day.—Republican, Xenia, Ohio.