trust no man on earth, nor any woman either, to keep a secret entirely locked up in his own mind."
Daibang bowed low, but said nothing. After a moment the Khan continued:
"In truth, lad, my love for you grows, and I am minded even to trust your word and let you live. Will you promise, by your mother's love and by all else in this world that you consider holy, not to breathe to any man or any woman the secret concerning me that you have learned this day? And will you promise also to tell no one in what manner your life was spared?"
Solemnly and in all true faith Daibang knelt down and promised to keep steadfastly these two things, as long as he lived. With that he was dismissed, and servants were ordered to load him with presents and conduct him home.
Great was the wonder of the people in the village when they learned that Daibang had returned unharmed from the palace,