Page:Wonderful conferences which passed between the ghost of Mr. Maxwell of Cool, and the Rev. Mr. Ogilvy of Innerwick (NLS104185476).pdf/4

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I came to my houſe, and my wife obſerved more than ordinary paleneſs in my countenance, and would alledge that ſomething ailed me; I called for a dram, and told her I was a little uneaſy. After I found myſelf a little refreſhed, I went to my cloſet to meditate upon this, the moſt aſtoniſhing adventure of my whole life.

Upon the 5th of March 1724, being at Harehead, baptizing the Shepherd's child, I came off at funſetting, or a little after, and near William White's march, the Laird of Cool came up with me as form erly; and, after his firſt ſalutation, bid me not be afraid. I told him I was not in the leaſt afraid, in the name of God and Chriſt my only Saviour, that if he would do me the leaſt harm (for I know that he, in whom I truſted, was ſtronger than all they put together, and if any of thein ſhould attempt to do even the horſe that I rid upon, as they have done to Ds. Menzie's man, if it be true that's ſaid, and generally believed about Dumfries) I have free acceſs to complain to my Lord and Maſter, to the laſh of whoſe reſentment you are as liable now as before.

Cool.] You need not multiply words on that head, for you are as ſafe with me, and ſafer, if ſafer can be, than when I was alive.

Ogil.] We then Cool, let me have a peaceable and eaſy converſation with you for the time we ride together, and give me ſome information about the affairs of the other world, for no man inclines to loſe his time in converſing with the dead, without hearing or learning ſomething that is uſeful.

Cool.] Well, Sir, I will ſatisfy you as far as I think it proper and convenient: Let me know what information you want from me.

Ogil.] May I then ask you, if you be in a ſtate of happineſs or not?

Cool.] There are a great many things I can anſwer, that the living are quite ignorant of: there are a great many things, that notwithſtanding the additional knowledge I have acquired ſince my death, Icannot