Page:Works of Sir John Suckling.djvu/285

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Act V., Sc. 3

Begs a deferment.125

King. I am amaz'd, till I do hear it out.
But, i' th' meantime, lest in these mists
Merit should lose itself, these forfeitures
Of Trock and Menseck, Brennoralt, are thine.

Bren. A princely gift! But, sir, it comes too late.130
Like sunbeams on the blasted blossoms, do
Your favours fall: you should have given me this,
When't might have rais'd me in men's thoughts, and made
Me equal to Francelia's love. I have
No end, since she is not.135
Back to my private life I will return.
'Cattle, though weary, can trudge homewards after.'

King. This melancholy time must cure. Come, take
The bodies up, and lead the prisoners on.
Triumph and funerals must walk together;140
Cypress and laurel twin'd make up one chaplet.
For we have got
The day; but bought it at so dear a rate,
The victory itself's unfortunate.[Exeunt