Page:Worm Jacob threshing the mountains (1).pdf/14

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Secondly, A total success at the end of their ways, which will swallow them up in surprise and eternal wonder! John iii.2. "Beloved, now are we the sons of God: and it doth not yet appear what we shall be; but we knew, that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is." When the mystery is finished, and the web cut out, it will appear an admirable piece! There will not be left then the least vestage of all the mountains that stood between heaven and them; the threshen mountains will then be blown away with the wind, and they will lay by the flail as an instrument they have no more use for.

Object, But have not others, as well as worm Jacob, mountains of difficulties in their way, which they become matters of at length?

Answ. This world is so mountainous that none can get through it without meeting mountains in their way. Carnal men make a shift to creep through some of them, but they can thresh none of them, as worm Jacob doth; they want his hand and staff, John xv, 5. Without me, ye can do nothing.—They creep into others of them, and nestle in them; the mountains of their corruptions, which, in a special manner, stand between heaven and them, and at length they will be eternally buried under them.