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One would think, that one designed to be a thresher of the mountains, should be a party of a single, great, and swelling character; a hero, a giant, or any other thing that could carry the character higher: But, on the contrary, it is very low, surprising low, worm Jacob. This character points at these five things, especially in the case of the people of God. It points them out as,

1. Weak creatures, really weak for the encounters they must make, as a worm for a mountain. God himself gives them this name of extreme weakness, therefore they must be so indeed. They have weak heads, hearts, and hands, for the work they are called to. Not only does the first grace find them really weak, but the after supplies of grace also, Heb. xi. 34. Out of weakness were made strong.

2. Humbled souls, truly sensible of their own weakness. By nature they were swelling vipers, but by grace they are humbled worms. And,

First, Habitually humbled, in respect of their state; as the creeping worm, whose nature it is to go on his belly. So the humble and the gracious are equivalent terms, Psal. xxxiv. 2, 3. "My soul shall make her boast in the Lord. The humble shall hear thereof, and be glad. O magnify the Lord with me, and exalt his name together!" There is a law-work, followed