Page:Wren--The young stagers.djvu/121

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I dunno' ’ow—some Serciety or Beryl Club or somethink. Anyways we 'as a blow-out and a 'oliday, and she took us Districk-visitin'."

"‘At latht!" breathed the Vice, who had been waiting for such dénouement with patience.

"Yus. We returned the kind call of the good lidy, as was on'y right an' proper manners. The idea come to Muvver while ole Muvver Skin-the-Goat was asettin' congratlatin' 'er on 'er sudden and un'oped-for bereavement.

"‘If that stuck-up grycious 'ussy of a Missis 'Enery 'Opper comes insultin' of you agin, you serve 'er the same,' says she.

"‘No—I wouldn't like to go fer to sling 'er dahn-stairs. It wouldn' seem 'ospitable like,' says Muvver—a sippin' at the first cup o' gin she'd 'ad fer years. ‘I know what I'll do—I'll spend me 'ollerdy avisitin' of ’er! I'll leave a bloomin' Track too,' she says.

"Ole Muvver Skin-the-Goat she stares as if she thought the gin 'ad got to Muvver's 'ead a'ready. Then she fair 'owls wiv' larfin'.

"‘I'll come too,' says she, when she could speak, ‘'swelp me, if I don't! We'll be torfs