Page:Wren--The young stagers.djvu/171

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father, who lives by the ford—and he has been there for a thousand years at least. He Is very holy. Why murder him?

"‘Make bundobust," said the butler. 'Tie up a goat'

"‘But our Grandfather would never touch flesh!' said the headman. 'He is a Brahmin among crocodiles and very holy.'

"‘What does the worthy fellow say?' asked the Travelling M.P.

"‘He is calling blessings upon the head of your Honour, the Protector of the Poor, and says the goat will be ten rupees.'

"‘Very well,' said the P.o.P., 'I will shoot the savage saurian before breakfast to-morrow.'

"‘What does the Presence say?' asked the headman.

"‘He says he will give you one rupee for the goat, and the mugger must be there early in the morning,' said the butler, whose name was Truthful James, he having consorted long with travelling Limbs of Parliament. . . ."

"Don't talk like a Grown-up, Buster," besought the President, "or you'll spoil the story."