Page:Wren--The young stagers.djvu/183

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"If you please, Daddy," said Boodle, with that punctilious politeness which might perhaps cover an error of judgment or forestall the judgment of error, we borrowed your silk hat this afternoon, and it got a little egg on it . . ." and the President wriggled, one bare foot caressing the other.

Daddy rumbled like an earthquake-threatening volcano. "Silk hat! . . . Egg! . . . Disgustin' conjunction!" Was he going to try the Discipline of Consequences and make the President wear the hat she had borrowed—wear it out for the evening walk? She rather hoped so.

But Daddy's faith in the efficacy of the Discipline of Consequences had received a rude shock, as has been told elsewhere.[1]

  1. "Dew and Mildew." Longmans, Green & Co.