Page:Wren--The young stagers.djvu/185

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would stand one more "function" or had better be presented to the Club as a stage-property, "he does a good many things in anticipation of sanction, I believe. And some in anticipation of prohibition," he added, smiling at the blushing Buster as he closed the door. (Buster was alleged to have kissed a Miss Dolores Perdita Eulalie Francesca D'Costa, at a Sergeants' Dance, and to have had his damask cheek smacked in return.)

"Well, what is it, Buster? Can we play it?" inquired the President, always in search of a new drama for production.

"It's hard to explayn, President-Sahib," replied Buster, in the distinctly Funny-Dog vein, "though the meaning is easily made clear. Strangely enough, I heard of a good example of 'in anticipation of sanction' when I was dining with the Rutlandshires last night. You could act it—but, no, I shouldn't. It borders on the Not Very Nice, I think. No, better not. . . . Anyhow, don't say I'm the Author, if you act it before an audience. . . ."

"Tell us it as though it were a good play to