Page:Wren--The young stagers.djvu/32

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would you rather have the Invasion of Britain, or the Forty Thieves?"

The Invasion he knew, and the Thieves he knew, but what was Judgment Day?

"Will you be a Miserable Sinner, an Ancient Briton, or a Forty Thief?" continued the President.

"What d'you have to do, if you've a Mitherable Thinner?" inquired the Vice.

"Oh, be tried on Judgment Day," was the reply. "If found guilty, you'd go to Hell. That would make a fine Hell for Miserable Sinners," and she pointed to the fire-enclosing basket.

"What would you be, if I was a Mitherable Thinner?" queried the junior official.

"God," was the prompt reply. "I should sit on a Throne and judge you. . . . I might have to send you to Hell."

"What would I do there?" asked the Vice doubtfully.

"Burn," replied the President sepulchrally.

The Vice preferred to bear a hand in the Invasion of Britain, or in resisting the same.