when at a Literary session of the Club he produced as his contribution:—
There was once a funny old tolf
Who spent all his tune playing golf,
He drove on to the linx
With a naughty young minx,
Saw his better ½T and drove olf.
It was received in dead silence.
"There are points about toff, golf, and off," he suggested diffidently. "And about drove on and drove off. You know how you 'drive off' at golf, don't you?"
"We do," said Boodle. "We did it with some pin-fire cartridges."
"And then this—'better ½T,' is quite a new-way of saying he saw his wife—his better-half—over her tea, or, if you like, bending over her tee on the green, you know. . . ."
"If you say it's very funny, Buster, no doubt it is," was the reply. . . . "Prob'ly most 'scruciating."
"Oh, no! I don't say that," the unhappy youth replied, "but well—it is Tosh, I think."