Page:Writings of Henry David Thoreau (1906) v7.djvu/106

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[Feb. 9

If you mistake these Messieurs and Mesdames for so many men and women, it is but erring on the safe side,—or, rather, it is their error and not yours. Armed with a manly sincerity, you shall not be trifled with, but drive this business of life. It matters not how many men are to be addressed,—rebuked,—provided one man rebuke them.


To manage the small talk of a party is to make an effort to do what was at first done, admirably because naturally, at your fireside.


Feb. 13. It is hard to subject ourselves to an influence. It must steal upon us when we expect it not, and its work be all done ere we are aware of it. If we make advances, it is shy; if, when we feel its presence, we presume to pry into its free-masonry, it vanishes and leaves us alone in our folly,—brimful but stagnant,—a full channel, it may be, but no inclination.


All fear of the world or consequences is swallowed up in a manly anxiety to do Truth justice.


Feb. 15. The true student will cleave ever to the good, recognizing no Past, no Present; but wherever he emerges from the bosom of time, his course is not with the sun,—eastward or westward,—but ever towards the seashore. Day and night pursues he his