Page:Wuthering Heights and Agnes Grey (1st edition), Volume 3 (Agnes Grey).djvu/233

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cry—if he doesn't burst into tears before he gets there."

"But you have broken your promise already!" said I, truly horrified at her perfidy.

'Oh! it's only to you—I know you won't repeat it."

"Certainly I shall not; but you say you are going to tell your sister; and she will tell your brothers when they come home, and Brown immediately, if you do not tell her yourself, and Brown will blazon it, or be the means of blazoning it throughout the country."

"No, indeed she won't—We shall not tell her at all, unless it be under promise of the strictest secrecy."

"But how can you expect her to keep her promises better than her more enlightened mistress?"

"Well, well, she shan't hear it then," said Miss Murray, somewhat snappishly.

"But you will tell your mamma, of course," pursued I; "and she will tell your papa."

"Of course I shall tell mamma: that is the very thing that pleases me so much, I shall now be able to convince her how mistaken she was in her fears about me."

"Oh, that's it, is it? I was wondering what it was that delighted you so much."