Page:Yellow Claw 1920.djvu/109

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for the amazement written upon the inspector’s face; for it was the name of admittedly the greatest criminal investigator in Europe!

“What the devil has the case to do with the French police?” muttered Sowerby, his ruddy countenance exhibiting a whole history of wonderment.

The constable, who had withdrawn, now reappeared, knocking deferentially upon the door, throwing it open, and announcing:

“Mr. Gaston Max, to see Detective-Inspector Dunbar.”

Bowing courteously upon the threshold, appeared a figure in a dazzling check traveling-coat—a figure very novel, and wholly unforgettable.

“I am honored to meet a distinguished London colleague,” he said in perfect English, with a faint American accent.

Dunbar stepped across the room with outstretched hand, and cordially shook that of the famous Frenchman.

“I am the more honored,” he declared, gallantly playing up to the other’s courtesy. “This is Detective-Sergeant Sowerby, who is acting with me in the case.”

M. Gaston Max bowed low in acknowledgment of the introduction.

“It is a pleasure to meet Detective-Sergeant Sowerby,” he declared.

These polite overtures being concluded then, and the door being closed, the three detectives stood