Page:Yiddish Tales.djvu/597

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LIKKUTE ZEVI (Heb.). A collection of prayers.

LOKSHEN. Macaroni. TORAS-LOKSHEN, macaroni made in approved style.

MAABIV (Heb.). The Evening Prayer, or service.

MAGGID (Heb.). Preacher.

MAHARSHO (MAHARSHO). Hebrew initial letters of Morenu ha-Rab Shemuel Edels, a great commentator.

MALKES (Heb.). Stripes inflicted on the Eve of the Day of Atonement, in expiation of sins. See Deut. xxv. 2, 3.

MASKIL (pi. Maskilim) (Heb.). An "intellectual." The aim of the " intellectuals " was the spread of modern general education among the Jews, especially in Eastern Europe. They were reproached with secularizing He- brew and disregarding the ceremonial law.

MATZES (Heb.). The unleavened bread used during Pass- over.

MECHUTENESTE (Heb.). Mother-in-law; prospective mother- in-law; expresses chiefly the reciprocal relation between the parents of a couple about to be married.

MECHUTTON (Heb.). Father-in-law; prospective father-in- law; expresses chiefly the reciprocal relation between the parents of a couple about to be married.

MEHEBEH (Heb.). The "quick" dough for the Matzes.

MELAMMED (Heb.). Teacher.

MEZUZEH (Heb.). " Door-post; " Scripture verses attached to the door-posts of Jewish houses. See Deut. vi. 9.

MIDBASH (Heb.). Homiletic exposition of the Scriptures.

MINCHAH (Heb.). The Afternoon Prayer, or service.

MIN HA-MEZAB (Heb.). "Out of the depth," Ps. 118. 5.

MINYAN (Heb.). A company of ten men, the minimum for a public service; specifically, a temporary congregation, gathered together, usually in a village, from several neighboring Jewish settlements, for services on New Year and the Day of Atonement.