Page:Young Beichan and Susie Pye.pdf/4

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She gave him the red wine to drink
his meat was the ſpice cakes ſo free.

She kept him life in her chamber,
till it fell out upon a day,
An Engliſh merchant thero did come,
with whom he ſent young Beichan away.
She broke a ring from her finger.
one half to Beichen gave ſpeedily,
To keep in remembrance of that love.
the lady bore that ſet him free,

But when he arrived in London town,
his friends they all came him to ſee,
And would needs have him chooſe a wife,
among that jolly company,
O no my friends, young Biechan ſaid,
that would do me much injury,
Till ſeven years are almoſt gone.
I'll marry none in this country.

When ſeven years were almoſt gone,
this lad began for to think long,
She thought ſhe heard a voice that ſaid,
young Beichan's broke his vows, madam!
She packed up her gay clothing,
with rich jewels many a one,
She ſet her foot unto a ſhip.
awa, ſhe come to ſee Beichan.

She ſailed Eaſt, ſhe ſailed West,
till to fair Englands ſhore ſhe came
Where a bonny ſhepherd ſhe eſpy'd,
feeding his flock upon the plain;
What news, what news my bonny Shepherd,

what news haſt thou got to tell me?