Page:Young Beichan and Susie Pye.pdf/7

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If thou will marry my brother Will,
who's a ſprightly youth in a lady's eye.

I will not marry thy brother will,
for all the land that I do ſee,
Give me my faith and troth Biechan,
I wiſh I were in your country.
I have the brides ſhoes on my feet,
likewiſe the brides glow on my hands,
For I wil neither eat nor drink,
till I come unto my fathers lands,

He's ta'en Susie Pye by the milk-white hand,
and gently led her up and down,
And ay he kiſſ'd her red roſy lips,
your welcome jewel to your own.
He's ta'en her by the milk-white hand,
and he's led her to yonder green,
He's chang'd her name from Sucie Pye,
and he's called her lovely Jean.


SHE was courted by many, but ſtill ſhe ſaid nay,
nor my jolly young ſailor I'll die for his ſake,
I find I muſt love him do all that I can,
And if ever I marry, the Sailors the man.

For his breuth is as ſweet as the roſe ſo fair,
There is none in this earth my love can compare,
He is ever good humoured, true hearted and kind,
And I wiſh in my heart I could tell her my mind.

She ranged the groves and the meadows all round

In ſearch of her true love but no love ſhe found,