Page:Young Biechan, and Susie Pye.pdf/2

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Young Biechan and Susie Pye.

IN London was young Beichan born,
and foreign nations he long'd to see,
He pass'd thro' many kingdom great
till at length he came unto Turkey.
He view'd the fashions of that land'
their way of worship viewed he;
But unto any of their stocks
would not so much an bow the knee.
Which made him to be taken straight,
and brought before their jury,
The savage Moor did peak outright
bid him be us'd most cruely
In every shoulder they put a bore,
and in every bore they put a tree,
They maide him for to trail the wine,
and spices on his fair body.
They put him into a deep dugneon,
where he could neither hear nor see,
For seven years they kept him there,
till he for hunger was like to die.
Stephens there King had a daughter fair,
and they called her Susie Pye;
Who every day as she took the air,
near to the prison passed by.
But it fell out upon a day
she heard onng Beichan for to sing,
And the song it pleased her so well,
no rest she got till she came to him.