Page:Young Biechan, and Susie Pye.pdf/5

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She sailed east she sailed west,
till to fair England's shore she came
Where a bonny shepherd she espied,
feeding his flock upon the plain,
What news what news my bonny shepherd
what news hast thou got to tell me,
Such news I hear madam, he says,
the like was ne'er in this country,
There is a wedding in yonder hall,
has held these thirty days and three,
The bridegroom will not bed with the bride
for love of one that's beyond the sea,
She put her hand in her pocket,
I wat she gave him guineas three,
Pray take that my bonny boy
for the good news thou tellest me,
When she came to Biechan's gate,
she tirled softly a' the pin,
So ready was the proud porter,
to open and let this lady in,
Is this young Biechan's hall, she said,
or is that noble lord within?
Yes, he's in the hall among them all,
this very day was his wedding.
She took the ring out of her pocket,
and to the porter she gave it free,
Run to young Biechan with all haste,
deliver my m ssage speedily.
When that he come his lord before,

he kneeled low down on his knee;